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1十六大的召开将2002年划作了一个历史起端2002年,中国政治经济生活领域里最大的一件事莫过于中国共产党第十六大的召开。“全面建设小康社会”的提出绝不亚于1974年的“四个现代化”所带给人们的鼓舞,相信这将会是未来一二十年里中国使用频率最高的词组。由于这一届党代会所处的特殊历史条件和背景,使人们早在一年多以前就开始揣测十六大的主题。20多年的改革开放,特别是近13年来在中国大地上发生的翻天覆地的变化,使我们对中华民族几千年来的国富民强梦有了更大胆的畅想。本刊早在十六大召开前就曾以“收割小康”为题刊登文章,对在中国实现全面小康作了全景式的描绘,相信我们在刊中憧憬的全面小康正是每一个中国人的共同期盼!如果说建设小康社会还是中国共产党上一代领导人为中国制定的富民政策,那么,就未来中国经济大局而言,十六大更深刻的意义则在于中国共产党的本届集体领导在推进富民政策上以提出“扩大中产收入者”的口号为标志作 The convening of the 16th National Congress marks the beginning of 2002 as a historical milestone. In 2002, one of the biggest things in China’s political and economic life was none other than the convening of the 16th CPC National Congress. The proposal of “building a moderately prosperous society in all respects” will certainly be encouraged by the “four modernizations” of 1974 and it is believed that this will be the most frequently used phrase in China in the next decade or two. Due to the special historical conditions and background in this session of the party congress, people started to speculate on the theme of the 16th CPC National Congress more than a year ago. Over 20 years of reform and opening up, especially the earth-shaking changes that have taken place in the land of China in the past 13 years in particular, make us have a bold vision of the dream of the Chinese nation for thousands of years. As early as the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we published an article titled “Reaping Well-off Well” and portrayed the realization of an overall well-to-do life in China. We believe that all-round well-off we are looking forward to in this issue is exactly what China If we want to build a well-to-do society or the policy of enriching the people made by the leaders of the previous generation of the Chinese Communist Party for China, then the greater significance of the 16th CPC National Congress in the overall economic development of the country lies in the current collective leadership of the Chinese Communist Party In promoting the policy of enriching the people, the slogan of “increasing the middle-income earners” is put forward
对十年生湿地松幼林内,应间伐材进行一年的强度采脂,尔后间伐,既可得到松脂和木浆材的两项产品收入,对合理经营短周期工业两用材林,明显的提高了经济效益。 In ten-year-old Slas
目的研究环吡酮胺对耐药假丝酵母菌菌株的药物敏感情况。方法 2013年12月至2014年1月参照美国临床实验室标准化协会(CLSI)推荐的M27-A3方案的微量液基稀释法,测定环吡酮胺对1
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我是一个土生土长的北方人,但是每次来到彩云之南的大理,在为她神奇美丽的山山水水、富有特色的民族风情、底蕴深厚的历史文化而沉醉时,心头却总能涌起淡淡的乡愁。我知道,这一切,都和儿时的记忆有关。  岁末年初,北方正值寒冬时节,我又一次来到大理,来到苍山脚下、洱海之滨,来游览崇圣寺,来瞻仰崇圣寺三塔。大理的每一个季节都是美丽的,而冬天的大理更是让人期待。试想,一个人从山寒水瘦、光秃秃的北方一路飞来,一头