
来源 :国际石油经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiushuicai
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关注石油、关注中国、关注世界,讲述新闻背后的故事,评点大事发生的背景、动因、态势和影响,不求世界石油风云尽收眼底,但求以点带面,盘点昨日,前瞻未来——这是三年前我刊独家策划推出“国内外石油经济十大新闻”年度评选时的初衷。聚焦2002年的世界石油舞台:美伊冲突升级、恐怖事件频发和委内瑞拉发生全国性大罢工等刺激国际油价走高的大事成为普通百姓关注的新闻;“威望”号油轮泄漏造成的生态灾难再次为力求“创造能源与环境的和谐”的石油人敲响警钟;中国油气领域上、中、下游多项重大工程的建设投产引来世界的关注,映射出中国经济的腾飞……一条条石油经济重大新闻给我们以震撼、思考和回味,更使我们感受到石油问题与中国经济及世界经济的发展紧密关联。 本年度“国内外石油经济十大新闻”评选活动不仅有石油、石化、海洋石油三大(集团)公司及相关行业、国家有关部门和科研院所的领导、专家、学者参加,而且由于评选问卷在我刊网站(www.petroecon.com.cn)同时发布,因而还吸引了许多业外关心石油行业发展的人士的参加,他们的参与使我们的评选结果更具有了普遍性和代表性。在此,我们对所有支持和参与评选活动的人士、辛勤撰稿的专家表示诚挚的感谢,并希望大家对于我们的评选活动提出宝贵的意见和建议 Focus on China, focus on the world, tell the story behind the news, comment on the background, motivation, situation and impact of the major events, do not seek a panoramic view of the world oil situation, but to point to the surface, inventory yesterday, looking forward to the future - this is the third Years ago, I published the magazine exclusively planned the launch of “Top Ten News at home and abroad,” the original intention of the annual selection. Focus on the 2002 world oil stage: the escalation of the U.S.-Iraqi conflict, the frequent terrorist incidents and the nationwide strike in Venezuela have made news of ordinary people’s attention that the international oil price goes up. The ecological disaster caused by the leak of the “Prestige” oil tanker is again The oil man who strives to “create harmony between energy and the environment” sounded the alarm; the construction of a number of major projects in the middle and lower reaches of China’s oil and gas sector has attracted worldwide attention and mapped out the take-off of China’s economy ... The news gives us the shock, thought and aftertaste, and makes us feel that the petroleum issue is closely linked with the development of the Chinese economy and the world economy. This year’s “Top Ten Domestic and Foreign Petroleum News” awards were not only attended by leaders, experts and scholars from the three big (group) companies of petroleum, petrochemical and offshore oil, related industries, relevant state departments and research institutes, The publication of our website www.petroecon.com.cn at the same time has also attracted many extra-industry participants concerned with the development of the oil industry. Their participation has made our selection more universal and representative. We hereby express our sincere gratitude to all those who support and participate in the selection activities and hard-written experts, and hope that we will give valuable comments and suggestions on our selection activities
在 2 0 0 3年 2月召开的全国纺织品配额市场研讨会上 ,三家国外大型纺织品服装进口企业———里斯克莱伯尔公司 (美国最大的女装公司 )、PHI公司 (美国西海岸最大的家用纺织品进
假如为一种方便面食品做促销广告,除了口味、价格、赠品等方向的切入点以外,还有什么新的途径呢? 2002年,农心辣白菜拉面在中国、韩国、日本三国同时上市,一上市,农心就 If
对于一家核电企业而言,安全运行永远放在第一位,然后才会考虑经济运行问题。这也是广东核电集团觉得ERP离他们还有点远的主要原因。 For a nuclear power company, the safe