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清真食品是所有穆斯林生活的必需品。全球目前有将近16亿穆斯林群体由于宗教因素的决定,在事实上就规定这些穆斯林在饮食方面有着特殊的要求。这个特殊而庞大的市场从目前来看还具有很大的增长潜力和空间。中亚在地理上与中国西部地区依山傍水有很长的陆地边境线,在历史上一直存在各个方面的交流和交往。同时中亚也是世界上主要的穆斯林聚居区,穆斯林总人口大约5700万。这就为我国清真食品出口创汇提供了很好的市场和空间。本文就试图从中亚清真食品市场现状出发,分析其最基本的市场要素,为我国相关企业提供相应的数据分析。 Halal food is a must-have for all Muslims. There are currently nearly 1.6 billion Muslim groups in the world who, due to religious reasons, have virtually demanded that Muslims have special dietary requirements. This special and huge market has great growth potential and space for now. Central Asia has a long land borderline geographically with the mountains and waterfront in the western part of China. There have always been exchanges and exchanges in various fields in history. At the same time, Central Asia is also the world’s major Muslim enclave. The total population of Muslims is about 57 million. This provides a very good market and space for the foreign exchange earnings of halal food exports in our country. This article attempts to start from the current situation of the Halal food market in Central Asia, analyzes its most basic market factors and provides related data analysis for our related enterprises.
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