Preparation of Al-doped ZnO nanocrystalline aggregates with enhanced performance for dye adsorption

来源 :Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunwenjun19841120
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Al-doped ZnO (AZO) nanocrystalline aggregates (NCAs) were prepared by a low cost colloid chemistry method and effects of the Al-doped concentration on the morphological and structural properties of the AZO NCAs were studied. The dye adsorption ability of the AZO NCAs with various Al-doped concentrations was also investigated. Results indicate that the doping of the Al ions not only does not change the wurtzite structure of the ZnO crystal but also can reduce the crystallite grain size and the particle size distribution of the NCAs, which gives them a higher specific surface area and dye adsorption ability than that of the ZnO NCAs. The as-prepared AZO NCAs would be a promising material to be applied in the dye sensitized solar cells and water treatment. Al-doped ZnO (AZO) nanocrystalline aggregates (NCAs) were prepared by a low cost colloid chemistry method and effects of the Al-doped concentration on the morphological and structural properties of the AZO NCAs were studied. The dye deposition ability of the AZO NCAs with various Al-doped concentrations was also investigated. Results doping of the Al ions not only does not change the wurtzite structure of the ZnO crystal but also can reduce the crystallite grain size and the particle size distribution of the NCAs, which gives The a-specific AZO NCAs would be a promising material to be applied in the dye sensitized solar cells and water treatment.
刚刚步入青春韶华的初中学子,离开了童年温馨的摇篮,走进了一个相对独立的生存空间。“在别人眼中,我是一个什么样的人?”“我将会成为一个怎样的 Just entering the youth
面对着成人世界,孩子会提出许多天真的问题,让我们成人十分尴尬。然而一对母子的文章,却把我们带进了一个美好的世界。 Faced with the adult world, children will be rais
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在家庭生活中有很多的机会可以激发孩子的创造性思维,培养孩子的创造力。    一、看一看、想一想,发现问题    家庭中有许多物品,它们形状各异,这些都可以作为培养幼儿发散性思维的材料。如一圆形的盘子,可以让幼儿看看“像什么?”孩子可能会说像车轮、皮球、月亮等。还可以用豆子、萝卜等实物,让孩子从不同的角度看像什么,让他说得越多越好,大人还可以和孩子一起说,引导孩子观察、发现,不断扩大想像的范围。  
我是一名教师。一次,我监考物理,有一题求拖拉机履带的着地面积,一个学生算成 167米 2,一个学生算成 16.7米 2,正确答案应该是 1.67米 2。由于学生对面积的大小缺乏感性认识,不知道 167米 2相当于一幢别墅的建筑面积, 16.7米 2是一个大房间的面积,所以算错了并没有察觉。   相当一部分学生对长度、面积、体积、容积、质量、重量只有书本上的知识,缺乏感性认识,因此常常算出一些天文数