必修一 Unit 3 Travel Journal

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  If you have never kept a travel journal and are determined to take it up, you may refer to the following advice. First, begin by treating yourself to a new, unlined blank book___1 ___ it carefully, paying close attention to the weight of the pages and the___2___of it in your hands. Will it lay relatively flat when open? Will it hold up to weather and wear?
  Once you’ve___3 ___ yourself with the perfect blank book, take it home and place it on your bedside table along with a(n) ___4___ pen. Soon it’ll call to you like keys to a ___5___car. If you’ve bought your journal for an upcoming trip but want to start writing in it at once, begin by___6___expectations(期待) and ___7 ___for the journey, as well as any ideas of your desired destinations. Include your to-do list, packing list, estimated budget, and any useful travel___ 8___you’ve received. Not only will this make you feel___ 9 ___ and get you into the habit of journal writing, you’ll also have fun reading it upon your return, at which point you can recount the ways in which your expectations met or differed from ___10___.
  1. A. watch B. choose
   C. weighD. measure
  2. A. qualityB. look
   C. feelD. use
  3. A. prepared B. brought
   C. concernedD. selected
  4. A. suitable B. special
   C. ordinary D. favourite
  5. A. new B. nice
   C. wonderfulD. powerful
  6. A. counting B. listing
   C. meeting D. recording
  7. A. dreamsB. thoughts
   C. messages D. goals
  8. A. tips B. partners
   C. websD. books
  9. A. busyB. satisfied
   C. excited D. curious
  10. A. lifeB. reality
   C. imaginationD. truth
  As the single most popular form of travel for the independent traveler, fast, economically the cheapest, ___11 ___ a high___ 12___ (safe) record, the jet plane has revolutionized the travel industry. In 1900s, Jules Verne, made use of his great imagination to write“Around the world in 80 hours”, ___13___gives some idea of the revolution that the jet has brought about. ___14___ (fortunate), despite its many advantages, there is one large negative to jet travel, which___15___ (ignore) until today. This is the huge amount of CO2 released during each flight. ___16___ is possible that___17___ the world grows in knowledge and concern___18___the damage thatthis release causes, ___19___ cost of jet travel will rise.
  ___20___ (combine) with jet travel’s dependency on oil, the age of cheap flights that we currently see might be limited.
  After two years in New York, I traveled to Australia where I had the opportunity to think about New York from very far away. Though there are parts in Sydney that are bustling like New York, there were beautiful parks and beaches that broke up the pace of Australia’s biggest cities. Going to Australia and finding complete happiness made me believe that through travel came a new understanding about myself. While I was there, I started to miss New York, not just a place where I went to school. The experience gave me a new idea of life and a deeper understanding of the importance of traveling.
  Travel is any exploration of unknown places. All my fears about missing by moving to the city were removed by my travel experiences. Many times, exposure to photos in travel magazines and television creates imaginary ideas about places that might be unrecognizable to others. To what effect does imagination about the places the traveler goes to shape how he understands those places? Can one escape this subjectivity(主观性) and really come to know a foreign place? Surely, the natives of any given travel destination know their country and cities better than anyone else, but why is it that sometimes a traveler seems to see more about a place than the native? It seems that now our desires to drive fast cars, to be “on the road” and to collect frequent flyer miles tell us why we have the desire for travel in morden society. Furthermore, the presence of car-oriented places like parking garages, shopping malls, motels and drive-in restaurants on American highways proves the fact that people want to move. Is our love for these kinds of places a sign of our desire to be a nomadic people? Are we now living in a new age of exploration and discovery?
  21. By traveling to Sydney, the writer realized ______.
  A. how important the life in New York was to her
  B. she could find her complete happiness in Australia
  C. she changed her idea about her life in New York
  D. she didn’t know much about Sydney before the travel
  22. According to the 2nd paragraph, we know that_________.
  A. it is harmful to view travel photos before a trip
  B. travelers sometimes know more about a place than the natives
  C. imagination is useful to our understanding about a foreign place
  D. the convenience for driving enables people to love travel
  23. The underlined word“nomadic”probably means_________.
  A. traveling from place to place
  B. understanding about themselves
  C. loving to try something interesting
  D. wanting an exciting life
  24. We can infer from the passage that _________.
  A. the writer would rather stay in Sydney than in New York
  B. the writer used to be afraid of getting lost in a city
  C. the writer disagreed about creating imaginary ideas about places
  D. the writer didn’t think much of driving in travel
  25. The main idea of the 2nd paragraph is that_________ .
  A. travel is any exploration of unknown places
  B. travel experiences help us understand the importance of travel
  C. driving has become a popular means in travel
  D. people are experiencing a new age of travel
  For several years, the travel industry and the world in general have experienced globalization(全球化). The phrase “the world keeps getting smaller”is a common saying when talking about the ease of communicating with, doing business with, and traveling to other parts of the world. It is estimated that the student and youth travel industry continues to be one of the fastest growing parts in the travel industry.
  Not only are today’s youth technologically cleverer than most adults, they also view the world as a place to see and explore. While student and youth travelers do want to see the typical tourist destinations that have been popular for decades, they are also more likely to be willing to travel to places that may have frightened older generations. When concerning the desire of young people to experience new cultures and different parts of the world, it is easy for us to find that young adults aged 18-25 are planning their own trips and are more inclined(有……趋势) to travel to new destinations, regarding themselves as pioneers when it comes to seeing the world.
  1. 以约30个词概括上文的要点;
  2. 然后以约120个词谈谈你对“青少年旅游”的看法,内容包括:
  1. 可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得引用原文的句子;
  2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。
  1—5 BCADA6—10 BDACB
  Jet travel is a popular form of travel for its many advantages, but its harm toenvironment may raise its cost.
  11. with。表示具有,帶有。
  12. safety。名词修饰名词,意思是“安全记录”。区别safe record,表示记录是安全的,受到保护的。
  13. which。非限定性定语从句。
  14. Unfortunately。根据前后两句的逻辑关系。
  15. has been ignored。注意时间状语until today,用现在完成时的被动语态。
  16. It。形式主语。真正的主语是后面的that…从句。
  17. as。引导状语从句,意思是“随着……”
  18. about。表示“关注到……”是concern about。
  19. the。对cost作限定,指飞机旅行的费用。
  20. Combined。作状语,与句子主语the age of cheap flights是被动关系,用过去分词。
  The writer discusses what travel means to her and believes people are experiencing a new age of travel.
  21. C。细节题。根据第一段最后一句。
  22. D。推理题。根据第二段倒数第三句。
  23. A。猜义题。根据第二段倒数第一、三句。
  24. B。推理题。根据第二段第一句。
  25. D。主旨题。根据第二段倒数第一句。
  A travel journal can help you share what you discover and how you feel in the trip with your friends. What’s more, it can be valued as your private possession, which can bring back the sweet memories. When writing your travel journal, remember to choose what greatly impressed you so as to make it more interesting. In addition, you should take down your thoughts and feelings whenever it is possible in your journey. Most importantly, find some fun in writing a travel journal rather than regard it as a hard job.
  In the age of globalization, student and youth travel will become a significant part in travel industry and the youth travelers nowadays have their own taste for tourist destination.
  Traveling, as far as I am concerned, plays a positive role in teenagers’personal growth, both intellectually and emotionally. As is well known, travel can enrich our knowledge and experience beyond ordinary classes and textbooks. In addition, it provides teenagers with good chances to develop their abilities and personalities, such as senses of good organization, independence, cooperation, environmental protection, etc.
  Last summer vacation, I joined some of my classmates in traveling to Sanya, Hainan Province, where I was fascinated by its sea, beaches, tropical plants. Through visiting the Sea World, I knew more about sea creatures and realized the importance to protect them. When appreciating the beauty of the sea, I felt my mind seemed to be broadened, leaving all of the unpleasant experiences far behind. After the trip, I amazingly found I become more positive towards the hardships in my life, which benefits me a lot.
  责任编校 蒋小青
2020年5月香港中学文凭考试DSE(通俗说法为香港中学“高考”)中,卷一的一道历史试题:“1900—1945年间,日本为中国带来的利多于弊。你是否同意此说?试参考资料C及D,并就你所知,解释你的答案。”公布后,社会哗然,引来不少批评。  中山大学历史学教授林家有先生的研究方向为中国近代史,他曾指出:“历史是客观的,又是过去发生的事,所以,历史只能论述和来论证,而不能任意雕饰,滥施斧柯。”[1]这
学生德性的养成与良好的品德的铸就少不了同辈群体的榜样示范和引领作用。榜样示范能够把抽象的道德规范和高深的政治思想原理具体化、人格化、以生动具体的典型形象影响学生心理,使教育有很强的吸引力、说服力和感染力。  中国教育科学研究院朝阳实验学校(以下简称“朝阳实验学校”)始建于1985年,是中国教育科学研究院与北京市朝阳区教委共同打造的一所九年一贯制实验学校。朝阳实验学校在“润泽教育”文化的统领下,确立
“不是每个人都学习这些基础学科,但整个社会如果缺少基础学科,其影响不可预估。对于那些有兴趣和有志向主动进入冷门学科的人,国家应该予以鼓励甚至一定奖励。”  高考进入倒计时,考生和家长即将面临专业选择问题。究竟选择热门专业还是冷门专业?如何看待那些冷门专业?冷门专业因何遇冷?社会如何提高对冷门专业的认知?  对此,中国地质大学(北京)副校长王训练以地质人才培养为切入点,通过对古生物学研究30余年的观
在很长一段时间里,安吉是浙江省的“欠发达县”。上世纪八九十年代,安吉走上了工业强县之路,造纸、化工、印染等企业被大举引进,GDP高速增长。但很快,安吉人发现:环境破坏了,生态恶化了……  经历过压力、迷茫、阵痛的安吉看到了方向。最终确定生态立县的规划,紧紧围绕生态做文章。而白茶,显然符合生态立县的规划。  安吉县白茶产业服务中心主任赖建红用两组数据来说明白茶的现状:茶园17万亩,产值22亿元;农民
社会各界对PPP改革期望越来越高,改革中面临的问题和挑战也越发复杂艰巨。  坊间认为,PPP在2017年进入黄金时期。  PPP模式(Public Private Partnership)是指政府和社会资本为提供公共产品或服务而建立起来的一种伙伴式的合作关系,在不少地方,PPP已成为政府稳增长、促改革、调结构、惠民生、防风险的重要抓手。  PPP改革推进3年多来,取得了积极成效。特别是2016年各
几年前的一天清晨,她正在车站等车上班。不远处,一个十三、四岁穿着褴褛的女孩,拿着一个破缸子,正向等车的人挨个乞讨着。有的人不耐烦挥着手说“去去去”,有的人干脆转头走开,不看女孩一眼。   女孩顺着站台往她这边走来。女孩走到她跟前,低眉顺眼地向她乞讨:“阿姨给几个吃饭钱吧?我爸爸半年前病故了,我和眼有残疾的母亲相依为命,父亲生病花光了家里所有的积蓄,还欠了一大笔债。所以我每天早起,上街乞讨1小时,然
高考发榜了。一个朋友的侄女考得非常不好,花钱都不一定能上“二本”,可是孩子自己好像并不着急,也不在乎。孩子的爸妈非常生气、失望,这位朋友也跑来跟我商量,是不是孩子出了什么问题,是否需要心理咨询。她还特别告诉我,这孩子从小就非常听话,学习还可以,这次不知怎么回事,高考结果令人大跌眼镜。而且她的父母想让她复读,她坚决不同意。  看着朋友愁眉苦脸的样子,我不得不安慰了她一会儿。等她平静下来,我告诉她,对
人类自古就希望能像鸟儿一样在天空自由飞翔。为了实现这一夙愿,人类一直在尝试……18世纪晚期,人类依靠气球实现了首次升空飞行。但是,气球受风的摆布很难控制。飞艇的出现,突破了气球的局限性。  1852年,法国发明家亨利·吉法尔(1825—1882)制成世界上第一艘动力驱使的可驾驶飞艇。这艘飞艇以蒸汽机为动力,装有方向舵。吉法尔驾驶这艘飞艇,从巴黎郊外的跑马场起飞,以8km/h的速度飞行了约28km,