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在中国古代文学课的教学中,课堂教学延伸既必要也重要。中国古代文学课的课堂教学应该有基于对作品作解读、基于教给学生以学习和研究方法以及基于对学生进行人文教育三个层面的延伸。延伸的角度包括对与所教作品有关联的诗文的对读、对同类题材的梳理、对异于常规的相关作品进行的分析和认识的介绍、对相关文学或文化知识的拓展、对作品作欣赏方法的传授、对本学科领域学术研究方法的介绍、对读书方法及应读书目的指点、对学生应有的人文素养和价值观教育的渗透以及启发学生使之形成理性和思辨的品格等。中国古代文学课课堂教学延伸的限度,其一是不能脱离文学本位,其二是必须确保延伸中所用材料、事实或例证等的高品位。 In ancient Chinese literature teaching, the extension of classroom teaching is both necessary and important. Classroom teaching in ancient Chinese literature should be based on the interpretation of the work, based on teaching to students to learn and research methods and based on the three aspects of humanistic education for students to extend. The extension includes the reading of the poems related to the taught works, the combing of the similar themes, the introduction of the analysis and understanding of the different related works, the expansion of the related literary or cultural knowledge, Appreciation of the method of teaching, academic research methods in the field of introduction, reading methods and books should be pointing, to the students should be the humanities and values ​​of education and education to infiltrate and inspire students to form a rational and speculative character. One of the limits to the extension of classroom teaching in ancient Chinese literature can not be separated from the standard of literature. The second is the high grade that must be ensured in the materials, facts or illustrations used in the extension.
记a =a(1) ,aa=a(2 ) ,aa(n -1) =a(n) .那么有结论 对方程logax =ax(a 0 ,a≠ 1 ) ,(1 )当a∈ (0 ,1 )时 ,其解x∈ (a(n) ,a(n +1) ) (n∈N ,n为奇数 ) ;(2 )当a∈ (1 ,+∞ )时 ,其解x∈ (a(n) ,+∞ ) (n∈N ,
20 0 2年全国普通高校统一招生考试加大了改革力度 ,进行了多样化高考模式试验 ,其中语文、数学、外语加理科综合能力测试在高考模式中占有重要的位置 .那么 ,今年理科综合能
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凸透镜对光的会聚作用和凹透镜对光的发散作用是初中物理光学教学的难点 ,它容易跟面镜对光的作用相混淆 .怎样让学生理解透镜对光的作用呢 ?一、做好演示实验 ,建立感性认识
空间中角的概念 ,包括异面直线所成的角 ,直线和平面所成的角和二面角 .1 异面直线所成的角根据异面直线所成角的定义 ,平移其中的一条使之和另一条相交 ,就可以得到异面直
在讲授“运动的合成”内容时 ,教材是通过轮船渡河的例子来说明合运动与分运动的关系的 ,学校没有演示实验 ,而教学大纲中有该项内容的演示要求 ,所以笔者介绍一种自制教具实
1 问题的提出我们经常遇到下列问题 :(1)已知 x,y∈ R+ ,且 x + y =1,求 1x + 4y 的最小值 ;(2 )已知 x,y∈ R+ ,且 x + y =1,求 1x2 + 8y2 的最小值 ;问题 (1)“用 1代换”