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繁华过后是沉淀金融市场的不景气及房地产业遭受严控之后,投资者纷纷捂紧口袋,这给脆弱的艺术品市场蒙上了厚厚的阴影。作为潜在的共识,艺术品市场向来被看作整个社会经济体系中最无关紧要、锦上添花的领域,在机体存在的根基受到挫败之余,渲染花朵颜色的怠惰自然而然。大环境一定时期的持续稳定,可能会给艺术品收藏带来增长暴利,但艺术品投资相对于股票、房地产等高风险投资,其不稳定性也有过之而无不及。特别是当代艺术品的价值不确定性,在作为资本流通时的滞后性,决定了在持有人资金周转出现问题时它无法迅速并保值地兑现,这些缺陷都已经在收藏家群体中形成了不争的共识。艺术品价格方面的不菲,也注定了艺术品收藏只能局限在一种装点生活、炫耀富有的奢侈品消费领域。以上弊端决定了注入艺术市场的资金,必定是市场资本流通中所谓的闲钱和金融冒险家们的投机资本。在艺术品市场火爆时,他们将这些资金从社会其他领域抽出,转而追随艺术品市场的炒作;当市场出现危机时,这些资金随着艺术作品的流拍与画廊的关张倒闭,一起滞留到了大大小小的库房中。繁华过后,不应是落寞。唯有真正的艺术,其价值才是永恒的;也唯有真正具备了艺术鉴赏力,才能在艺术品投资的海洋中遨游。鉴于此,投资和收藏艺术品非常有必要提高艺术修养和鉴别力。 After the bustling financial market downturn precipitation and the real estate industry has been severely controlled, investors have Wujin pocket, which gives a fragile art market cast a thick shadow. As a potential consensus, the art market has always been seen as the most insignificant and icing on the cake in the entire socio-economic system. When the foundation for the existence of the body is thwarted, the sloth of rendering flower colors is of course natural. The constant stability of the environment for a certain period of time may bring huge profits to the collection of works of art. However, the investment in works of art is more unstable than the high-risk investments in stocks and real estate. In particular, the uncertainty of the value of contemporary art, its lagging nature as a capital circulation, determines that it can not be honored promptly and conservatively in the event of a holder’s liquidity problems, all of which have already taken shape in the collector community Uncontested consensus. The art price of a lot of money, but also doomed art collection can only be limited to a decorate life, show off rich luxury goods. The above drawbacks determine that the funds injected into the art market must be the so-called spare cash in the market capital circulation and speculative capital of financial adventurers. When the art market became hot, they pulled these funds out of the rest of society in favor of speculation in the art market. When the market was in crisis, these funds stayed with the flow of art works and the closure of galleries Large and small warehouse. After the bustling, it should not be lonely. Only the real art, its value is eternal; and only truly have the artistic appreciation, in the art of investment in the ocean travel. In view of this, it is necessary to invest in and collect works of art to enhance artistic accomplishment and discrimination.
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With the support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,the research team led by Prof.Chen Qijun(陈启军)at the Key Laboratory of Zoonosis,Ministry