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在21世纪日趋激烈的综合国力的竞争中,能否在高新技术及其产业领域占据一席之地已成为竞争的焦点。加强技术创新,发展高科技,实现产业化,是进一步提高国民经济整体素质和综合国力、应对国际竞争的战略选择。而加强技术创新,发展高科技必须扩大对外开放,广泛地开展国际交流与合作,在竞争中获得发展。从我国的实际情况出发,必须把自主研究开发与引进、消化吸收国外先进技术相结合。我国建国以来技术引进工作取得了很大的成绩,改革开放以后加大了技术引进与自主开发的力度,缩小了我国的技术水平与先进国家的差距。与以往计划经济不同,在技术引进的管理上,国家主要以法律、经济手段来进行宏观调控,所以这些成绩的取得与有关技术引进的法律法规的制定和执行是密不可分的。 In the increasingly fierce competition of comprehensive national power in the 21st century, whether it can occupy a place in the high-tech industry or its industry has become the focus of competition. Strengthening technological innovation, developing high technology and realizing industrialization are strategic options for further enhancing the overall quality of the national economy and overall national strength and coping with international competition. To strengthen technological innovation and develop high-tech, we must expand opening to the outside world, conduct extensive international exchanges and cooperation and achieve development through competition. Starting from the actual situation in our country, we must combine independent research and development with the introduction and assimilation of advanced foreign technologies. Since the founding of our country, great achievements have been made in the introduction of technology. Since the reform and opening up, the introduction of technology and the independent development have been stepped up, narrowing the gap between the technological level of our country and the advanced countries. Different from the planned economy in the past, in the management of the introduction of technology, the state mainly conducts the macro-control by means of laws and economic means. Therefore, the achievement of these achievements is inextricably linked with the formulation and implementation of the laws and regulations on the introduction of technology.
不愿换房子 任弼时德高望重,大家都很尊重他。但是,他严格遵守规定,从不享受特殊的照顾 全国解放后,任弼时住在北京一所面积不大的房于里。这所房子面临大街,车来人往,非常嘈杂。他
根据九省市小儿心肌炎协作组制定的病毒性心肌炎临床诊断标准,我科1985~1989年共收治病毒性心肌炎105例,究其心律失常类型及特点报告如下. 临床资料一、一般资料男58例,女47
“就像我们10年如一日研发洁身器立志为国人带来健康一样,现在,我们有一个新的梦想,就是培养大批受到社会尊重的企业和企业家”  今年春节期间,一则“国人疯抢日本智能马桶盖”的新闻遍布大江南北,一夜之间,作为中国洁身器(智能马桶盖)第一品牌,荣事达洁身器成了网络热门搜索词。  记者对潘保春的认知仍停留在五年前全国青联换届时,他作为安徽省太阳能行业唯一代表当选全国青联委员。十多年前,当荣事达早已是一个家
涛是我的高中同学,那个时候的他,瘦瘦高高,却有一张可爱的娃娃脸。   因为身高的缘故,他坐在离我很远的位置。忘记如何熟悉起来的了,总之后来,我们变得很要好,是那种隔过了性别界限的要好。用现在的话说,是“闺密”。   多年后,涛的娃娃脸依然可爱,供职于家乡小城的联通公司,离异后,没有再结婚,一直是一个人过。   转眼,也好几年了。   因为当年的情分,每次我回去,都会和高中同学小聚一下。  