放弃实验就是放弃教学 “实验教学与教师创新”论坛引发的思考

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2009年4月1日本刊刊登了上海市嘉定二中物理教师蔡文学“巧做实验”的报道后,引起了各方的关注和兴趣。在“虚拟实验”盛行的今天,亲自动手做实验的价值在哪里?在“考什么教什么”仍占主导的今天,实验教学的价值在哪里?在培养学生创新精神常常流于口号的今天,教师创新教育的价值又在哪里?面对这些疑问,蔡文学的出现正当其时,也正因此,“蔡文学现象”成了体现教师创新精神的典型个案,其价值和样本意义更加凸显2009年11月1日,本刊与市教委教研室、嘉定区教育局共同主办上海教育圆桌论坛,聚焦“实验教学与教师创新”这一时代命题,以嘉定二中蔡文学老师及其创新团队为样本,邀请沪上物理、化学、生物等学科资深特级教师以及市、区两级教育行政部门领导和职能部门负责人,就当前理科实验教学中的瓶颈问题、上海实验教学的实践经验、教师教学创新能力培养等话题展开了深入研讨。“学生进实验室的机会太少了,会做的实验也太少了”“实验不能沦为拿奖、评职称的工具”“靠黑板是教不好实验教学的”“培养学生创新思维,关键在发挥教师的创新精神”“学校要创设教师研究、实验的环境”……在这场头脑风暴中,不仅有瓶颈问题的抛出、切中要害的分析,更有满腔热情的呼吁、脚踏实地的调查,凝聚智慧的对策:“实验员队伍已经青黄不接”“实验在教学中的应用就是一种创新”“实验教学亟待改革,理科教师亟需实验专项培训”“魔术物理、美感化学、哲学生物、漫画科学,这样的结合也是创新”“理、化、生实验应整合成科学实验”……2005年,蔡文学来到嘉定二中,在物理实验设计和教具制作方面的突出能力使他很快就成为了学校创新实践小组的主力。短短几年,蔡文学及其团队积极创新物理实验设计、研发简易实验教具,不仅培养了学生对物理的浓厚兴趣,更在动手做的过程中激发了他们的创新思维。 April 1, 2009 This publication published a report by Cai Wenxue, a physics teacher from Jiading Second Middle School in Shanghai, which has drawn the attention and interest of all parties. Today, in the “virtual experiment ” in the prevalence of today, the value of hands-on experiment where? In the “test what to teach what ” still dominated today, where is the value of experimental teaching? In the training of students often flow in the spirit of innovation In today’s slogan, what is the value of teachers ’innovative education? Faced with these questions, Cai Wenxue appeared at a proper time. Therefore, “phenomenon of Cai Literature” has become a typical case of teachers’ innovative spirit. Its value and On November 1, 2009, the journal co-hosted the Shanghai Education Roundtable Forum with the City Board of Education and the Jiading District Board of Education to focus on the proposition of “experimental teaching and teacher innovation” Teachers and their innovative team as a sample to invite Shanghai senior high school physics, chemistry, biology and other teachers as well as municipal and district leaders of educational administration and functional departments responsible for the current science experiment teaching bottlenecks, Shanghai Experimental Teaching Practical experience, teachers teaching innovative ability to carry out an in-depth discussion. “Students too few opportunities into the laboratory, will do too little experiment ” “Experiment can not be reduced to take the prize, the title of evaluation tools ” “The teaching on the blackboard is not good experimental teaching ”Cultivate students’ innovative thinking, the key is to play the teacher’s innovative spirit “ ”The school should create a teacher research, experimental environment “ ... In this brainstorm, not only the bottleneck problem is thrown, the crucial analysis , More enthusiastic appeal, down-to-earth survey, countermeasures to unite wisdom: ”experimental team has been green “ ”experimental application of teaching is an innovation “ ”experimental teaching urgent reform, science teachers urgently Need to experiment special training “” magic physics, aesthetics chemistry, philosophical biology, comic science, such a combination is also innovation “” science, chemistry, biology experiment should be integrated into scientific experiment "... 2005, To Jiading II, the outstanding ability in physics experiment design and teaching aids making him quickly became the main force of the school innovation practice group. In just a few years, Cai Wenxue and his team actively innovated their physics experiment design and developed simple experimental teaching aids, which not only fostered students’ strong interest in physics but also stimulated their innovative thinking in the process of hands-on teaching.
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