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为配合教材,使学生切实掌握说明事物的基本方法,学会写普通的说明文,本单元作文教学,集中练习写三种常用说明文(即实物说明文,程序说明文和事理说明文),有的作口头训练,有的作书面练习。练习一课题实物观察、说明要求对自己的教室做细致观察,填写下表:(表格见第42页) 指导参考 1、要求学生注意观察实物的表、里、大、小,上、下、左、右,东、西、南、北的空间位置和方向。 2 “说明”栏,目的是启发学生根据内容的需要,恰当地选择说明方法。第一项所举的例子,是按空间顺序说明,并有适当的描写。可让学生运用知识短文《说明的方法》、《记叙、说明、议论》中谈到的说明方法(如分类别、作比较、列数字、打比喻等)填写。填完后,将“说明”和“实际记录”两栏作比较,体会怎样说明事物,培养说明能力。作文一课题写实物说明文题目我们的校园要求要写出学校的位置;要按一定的顺序 In order to coordinate with the teaching materials, students should have a solid grasp of the basic methods for explaining things, learn to write common explanatory texts, write compositional teaching in this unit, and concentrate on practicing writing three kinds of commonly used explanatory texts (ie, physical description texts, program description texts, and affair explanation texts), and some for oral training. There are written exercises. Practice the observation of a subject and observe that it requires careful observation of your own classroom. Fill in the following form: (See page for the form on page 42.) Guideline 1. Ask the students to watch the watch, the inside, the inside, the outside, the top, the bottom, and the left. , right, east, west, south, and north of space locations and directions. 2 The “Explanation” column aims to inspire students to choose the appropriate explanation method according to the needs of the content. The first example is illustrated in spatial order with appropriate description. Students can use the explanatory methods (such as sub-categories, comparisons, column numbers, metaphors, etc.) mentioned in the “How to Explain,” “Syria, Explanation, and Discussion” in the Knowledge Essay. After filling in, compare “Explanation” with “Actual Record” to understand how to explain things and develop explanatory skills. Writing a subject to write a physical description of the topic of our campus requirements to write the location of the school; in a certain order
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