注意引导 培养能力——学习叶老语文教育思想,改革课堂教学的体会

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叫老指出,要让学生达到“自能读书”、“自能作文”的目的,关键“惟在启发导引”。根据实践经验,我们觉得在阅读教学中主要要进行以下三个方面的引导。一、引导咬文嚼字学生读书容易犯浮光掠影,不求甚解的毛病,克服这个毛病的办法就是要引导学生在读书时紧扣关键词语,咬文嚼字,培养细读精思的习惯。例如《祝福》写祥林嫂在捐了门槛后,四婶仍不让她拿祭祖的酒杯和筷子,用“炮烙”、“失神”、“窈陷”、胆怯”、“惴惴”、“木偶人”等一连串词语描写了她的心理变化和神态。这些词语不但要从词义来作解释,而且要引导学生联系祥林嫂的悲惨遭遇,在具体的语言环境中来理解、体会祥林嫂内心的无限痛苦。老舍的《在烈日和暴雨下》第7—10自然段对风、云、雷、闪电、雨等自然现象的前后变化作了生动的描绘,可以让学生在阅读过程中完成下面的练习(横线上原先空着,让学生填写): 风一点凉风(柳枝的确是微微地动了两下)→风突然大起来(柳条飘洒地摇摆)→又一阵风,风过去(柳枝随着风狂舞)——风小了(柳树 Lao Lao pointed out that to enable students to achieve the purpose of “self- able reading” and “self writing skills”, the key “is to be inspired and guided”. Based on practical experience, we feel that in reading teaching we must mainly conduct the following three aspects of guidance. First, lead students to read the book easily guilty of glimpses of glimpses, do not seek to understand the problems, to overcome this problem is to guide students to study in the key words closely, quibble, cultivate the habit of perusing fine thoughts. For example, after the “Blessing” of Sin Cheung Lin Biao donated the threshold, Sihe still refused to let her take the cups and chopsticks of the ancestors. They used “boiled”, “absence”, “collapse”, timidity, and “惴惴”. A series of words such as “Puppet Man” describes her psychological changes and demeanor.These words must be explained not only by meaning, but also to guide students to contact the miserable encounter of Xiang Linyi and to understand and understand Xianglin in a specific language environment. Infinite pain in the heart, Laoshe’s “In the hot sun and the heavy rain,” the 7th to 10th paragraph vividly depicts the changes in the natural phenomena such as wind, clouds, thunder, lightning, rain, etc., which can help students in the reading process. Complete the following exercises (the line was originally empty, let the student fill in): The wind is a little cool (the willows are really moving two times slightly) → The wind suddenly gets bigger (wiggly swing) → Another gust of wind, the wind has passed (The willow branches dance with the wind) - The wind is small (willows
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反之,闻之不真信,信之不真行,行之不真做,那就叫一万句顶不上一句、半句,等于是画得很漂亮的“零”。    今天,人们对当年的一句话“一句顶一万句”颇有讽意。那句话是“林副主席”虚捧毛主席的。对林彪这句话,后来毛泽东曾愤愤地说:“什么一句顶一万句!我的话一句都不顶,半句都不顶!”  今天人们反感、嘲讽“一句顶一万句”之类的话,是有一定道理的,因为主要意思是对个人崇拜的反感。不过有个问题也值得探讨:一