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光阴荏苒,回首已是中年。屈指算来,二十年讲台生涯,实在辛苦。任花开花落,寒暑易节;任人世代谢,鬓生白发,我教书、读书、写书不辍,远离尘世的富贵繁华。 45岁生日时,女儿问我人生的格言是什么,我戏改流行歌词云:“辛苦走一回。”是的,我走的是一条人生辛苦之路,而 Time flies, looking back is middle-aged. After 20 years of podium, it is hard work. Any flower blossoms, cold and easy season; Ren Renshi metabolism, acquaintance white hair, I teach, read books, write books, away from the world’s rich and prosperous. On her 45th birthday, my daughter asked me what my motto is in life. I changed the popular lyrics: “Take a hard walk.” Yes, I am taking a hard road to life.
The real time and in situ investigation of the crystallization process and structure transitions of asymmetric crystalline-crystalline diblock copolymers from t
始于 19世纪 50— 80年代的现代心理学促进了心理科学的长足发展,在此基础上建立起来的阅读认知理论给阅读教育带来了一场空前的革命。叶圣陶先生在《〈精读指导举隅〉前言》
This work focuses on the interaction between polymeric micelles with different charged surfaces and cancer cells in order to study the influence of surface char
Water-soluble CdSe nanoparticles were synthesized using AOT (sodium bis(2-ethylehexyl)-sulfosuccinate) as stabilizer, cadmium acetate and Na2SeSO3 as precursors
A mixed system that includes poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and silica (SiO2) nanoparticles is prepared using two mixing methods. The interaction between PEO and th
著名教育家雅斯培认为,教育不是有知带动无知的偶发事件,而是人们一同去发现真理,寻回自我的惟一途径。   语文教学也势必是一个师生双方共同发现真理和寻回真理的过程。学生