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自孙策渡江,经过孙策、孙权两位吴主溯江而上的拓境,吴国实现了“全据长江”以割据一方的立国蓝图。三国鼎立期间,吴、蜀以联盟为主,吴国西境处于相对稳定状态,战争集中在与魏国对峙的江淮、江汉之间。吴、魏对峙中,吴国依托长江,通过相关政区建置,在“竟长江所及”的地理优势下,积极经营江北防线,以取得“固国江外”的战略优势,同时配合江南沿江的指挥中枢、滨江防御和后勤补给,兼顾中、下游之势,充分发挥地缘优势,有效利用长江这一天然屏障,与北方政权长期对峙。本文即以吴、魏对峙为背景,考察吴国沿江政区建置中的军事方略。 Since Sun Tzu crossed the river, after Sun Ce and Sun Quan both extended their territory to the river, Wu realized the blueprint of establishing a nation based on the principle of “all according to the Yangtze River.” During the period of the Three Kingdoms, Wu and Shu were allied with each other and the west of Wu was at a relatively stable state. The war centered on the areas between Jianghuai and Jianghan that opposed Wei. In the confrontation between Wu and Wei, Wu relied on the Yangtze River and set up the relevant political districts. Under the geographical advantage of “actually visiting the Yangtze River,” Wu has actively operated the Jiangbei defense line so as to obtain the strategic advantage of " At the same time, it will cooperate with the command center of Jiangnan along the Yangtze River, the defense of the riverside and the logistics supply, take into account the potential of the middle and lower reaches, give full play to its geographical advantages, make effective use of the natural barrier of the Yangtze River and long-term confrontation with the northern regime. This article refers to the confrontation between Wu and Wei as the background, examining the military strategy of the establishment of political and economic areas along the river in Wu country.
元人对屈原基本上都是持一种嘲讽的态度。这种价值评判的形成 ,与元人的生存环境有着非常直接的关系。价值向度的变形来自于生存环境的险恶。同时 ,与历史上对屈原的消极评价
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Experiments were conducted on a four-cylinder direct-injection diesel engine with 10% and 20% of the engine load taken up by fumigation ethanol injected into th