
来源 :史前研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:errand2000
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三星堆文化玉、石器数量众多,制作精美,型式多样奇特,在先秦时期的玉、石器中别张异军,受到学术界关注,已有大量论著发表。本文试图在已有成果基础上,较为全面地介绍三星堆文化玉、石器,对三星堆文化玉、石器型式的特点、渊源及相关问题提出一些看法。本文尽可能介绍现在能见到的公开发表的三星堆玉、石器材料,希望对概括而又较全面地了解三星堆文化玉、石器能有所帮助。一三星堆遗址及其周边地区自上世纪二十年代末以来,多次出土玉石,现将历次出土情 Sanxingdui jade, jade stone, a large number, beautifully crafted, unique and varied styles, in the pre-Qin jade, stone do not Zhang different army, by the academic community, has published a large number of works. Based on the existing achievements, this paper attempts to introduce the Sanxingdui culture jade and stoneware more comprehensively and put forward some views on the characteristics, origins and related issues of Sanxingdui culture jade and stoneware. As far as possible, this article introduces the publicly available Sanxingdui jade and stone materials that we can see now, hoping to understand the general and comprehensive understanding of Sanxingdui jade and stone tools. A Sanxingdui ruins and its surrounding areas since the late twenties of the last century, unearthed jade many times, now the previous unearthed
问题一:课型定位不准《节约用水》片段实录:师:请看片段(播放学生浪费水的录像)。录像中,宁宁说:“水多的是!”水真的多吗?生1:多。 Question 1: class orientation is not
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With a two-phase method,well-dispersed 5.2 nm Ag nanoparticles with narrow size distribution (±0.5 nm) are synthesized.The assembled structures of colloidal Ag
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