The Underlying Learning Processes of PPP

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  Abstract: The ordered stages of PPP model is compatible with a skill-based model of learning and thus this model appears to facilitate many of the processes required for successful learning of grammar.
  Key words: PPP model; learning process; grammar teaching
  PPP framework is an ordered sequence of three stages: Presentation, Practice and Production. In the Presentation stage, the teacher presents a new grammatical structure in a situation or context which makes its meaning clear and illustrates a typical use of it. In the Practice stage, the students are given oral and written practice exercises which involve controlled and repetitive use of the structure. In the Production stage, the students are given less controlled practice tasks where they have the opportunity to use the new structure to express their own ideas (Cullen, 2001).
  Batstone (1994) identifies three processes which are crucial for the effective acquisition of grammar, thus noticing, structuring and proceduralising. The staged progression of PPP is based on a skill model of learning whereby declarative knowledge acquired at the Presentation stage of the model is converted into procedural knowledge through practice at the Practice and Production stages.
  In a typical PPP lesson, processes of noticing and structuring are developed at the Presentation stage, where the learner’s attention is drawn to new grammatical structures present in samples of input, and relationships between form and meaning are explored through concept questions designed to lead the learners to discover underlying rules and patterns for themselves.
  Take a lesson from New Concept English as example. The lesson begins by revising the previously taught item through a contextualized drill. Then it moves on to the presentation of the dialogue material. In learning terms, the practice provides an opportunity for the students to activate their existing procedural knowledge of the‘going to’ structure. Then students move to a syntactic, bottom-up processing mode when they are asked to fill in the gaps with the verb forms they hear on the tape. It is at this stage that they are asked to ‘notice’ grammatical form by paying conscious attention to it.
  The Practice and Production stages of the PPP model provide opportunities for proceduralising provided that even the most controlled exercises at the Practice stage have a meaning focus. The transition from accuracy-oriented to fluency-oriented practice inherent in the PPP model seems to be fully compatible with Johnson’s form-defocus model of atomization discussed earlier. Thus, the Presentation stage is followed by a series of four practice activities providing controlled form-focused practice of ‘will’ and ‘going to’. The first activity is a Question and Answer drill where the learners are given the form, but they have to think of the appropriate lexical items to use in response to the cue. The activity is also designed to associate the ‘will’ form, or to be more precise, the contracted ‘I’ll + verb’ form, as a common response to a request from someone to do something.
  In the Production stage, there is a Role-play task in which the learners are given role cards and in pairs have to make an appointment to meet someone by telephone: one student is phoning to make the appointment and the other is the secretary. They use the information they have on their cards showing when they are and are not free. The focus has thus shifted from form to meaning, although‘useful expressions’ are provided in the material in an attempt to ensure use of the target structure. If all goes to plan, then, the students make use of the new grammar in a meaning-focused, communicative task, thereby satisfying the conditions necessary for proceduralising their emerging grammatical knowledge.
  [1] Batstone, R. Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994.
  [2] Cullen, R. PPP and beyond. In Ferrer M. et al. (eds.) Teaching English in a Spanish Setting. Valencia: University de Valencia, 2001.
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