
来源 :南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjxiaolin
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江苏省自然条件优越,竹种资源比较丰富,但在林业生产上除毛竹、刚竹、淡竹外,对其他竹种了解甚少。虽然几年前南京大学,南京林学院、江苏省植物研究所先后对江苏省的竹子分类做了不少工作,但均未系统全面的调查,遗漏较多。近年来,南京林学院和江苏省林业科学研究所受江苏省农林厅的委托,对全省竹种资源进行了一次全面的调查,野外工作历时两年,调查了28个市、县的野生,栽培、山区、平原以及庭园观赏竹种(但不包括南京林学院、南京菊花台公园以及中山植物园引入栽培的竹种)。经我们研究鉴定,江苏省的竹种共有10个属和55个种及种下分类单位。其中有些竹种是江苏省过去未曾记载报道过的,个别竹种甚至在国内也是初次被研究。为了生产单位和科研机关及早了解和掌握江苏省的竹种资源,现将这次调查所发现的新记录的竹种和新种以及分类上需要订正的竹种简要报道如下,以供参考。为了节省篇幅,凡国内文献已有形态描述的竹种,本文只列参考文献,不作形态记载。 Jiangsu Province has superior natural conditions and abundant bamboo resources, but little is known about other species of bamboo except bamboo, bamboo and bamboo in forestry production. Although a few years ago, Nanjing University, Nanjing Forestry College, Jiangsu Institute of Botany, Jiangsu Province, has done a lot of classification of bamboo, but no systematic and comprehensive investigation, missed more. In recent years, Nanjing Forestry College and Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Forestry, commissioned by the Department of Agriculture and Forestry in Jiangsu Province conducted a comprehensive survey of bamboo resources in the province. The field work lasted for two years and surveyed 28 cities and counties in the wild, Cultivation, mountains, plains and garden ornamental bamboo species (but not including Nanjing Forestry College, Nanjing Chrysanthemum Park and Zhongshan Botanical Garden introduction of cultivated bamboo species). After our research and identification, there are 10 genera and 55 species of bamboo species in Jiangsu Province, and the taxonomic units are planted. Some of these bamboo species were not reported in Jiangsu Province in the past, and some bamboo species were first studied even in China. In order to make the production units and research institutes understand and master bamboo resources in Jiangsu Province as early as possible, the newly recorded bamboo species and new species found in this investigation and the bamboo species to be revised in the classification are briefly reported below for reference. In order to save space, where the domestic literature has been described in the form of bamboo species, this article only references, not for the record.
A three dimensional finite element model was established for a large span concrete filled steel tubular (CFST) arch bridge which is currently under constructio