
来源 :中国书法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cclone
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二○○五年六月三十日二时二十五分,一代书法大师、我们敬爱的启功先生因病在北京逝世,享年九十三岁。噩耗传来,全国书法界沉浸在无限的悲痛之中。当日下午,中国书协驻会副主席、分党组书记张飙与其他党组成员以及书界各方人士怀着深切的哀思,来到北京师范大学英东学术会堂启功先生的灵堂,送上花圈和挽联,对德高望重的启老纷纷表达沉痛的悼念与无尽的哀思。翌日上午,中国书协举行『启功先生追思会』,书界老、中、青代表,追念先生的人品、书品和学识。中国书协主席沈鹏先生特地从外地发来唁电,深切缅怀敬 At 25:55 on June 30, 2005, a generation of calligraphists, our beloved Qigong, died at the hospital in Beijing at the age of 93. Bad news came, the national calligraphy community immersed in the infinite grief. On the afternoon of the same day, with deep grief, Zhang Biao, Vice Chairman of the China Association for the Coordination of Books, and Party Secretary Zhang Biao, came to the chapel of Mr. Qigong at the Yingdong Academic Hall of Beijing Normal University with members of other party groups and parties in the book circle. And elegiac couplet, all expressed their deep mourning and endless grief with respect to the highly revered elders. On the morning of the following day, the China Calligraphers held “Mr. Qi Gong’s Memorandum of Understanding” and the book’s representatives, books, and knowledge of the old, middle and young representatives and Mr. Remembrance. Mr. Shen Peng, Chairman of China Association of Calligraphies, specially sent a telegram from the field to deeply cherish respect and respect
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摘要: 新办高职院校由于对发展高职教育的目的不明确,对高职教育的本质属性和本质特征存在模糊认识,在发展高职教育的过程中存在一些不容忽视的问题。因此,新办高职院校应该牢固树立职业教育、以就业为导向、校企合作、工学结合、“双师型”教师等办学理念。  关键词: 职业教育 以就业为导向 校企合作 工学结合 “双师型”教师    近年来,我国高职教育呈现出前所未有的发展势头,新办高职院校如雨后春笋,办学规模