Expansion during Recession

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gao1980623
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  【Abstract】Companies take different strategies to survive economic recessions. John Lewis decided to expand in spite of the depressed economy in 2009. The article tends to analyze the reasons for its move through a documentary and provide new perspectives into the company’s operation.
  【Key words】John Lewis; economic recession; expansion strategy
  I. Introduction
  When an economic recession strikes, companies react differently. Some choose to contract while others to expand, and they have their own rationales. This article tends to analyze the reasons for John Lewis’ expansion strategy by a documentary and provide insight into the company’s operation.
  John Lewis is a chain of up-market department stores operating throughout Britain. There are 32 John Lewis stores in England, Wales and Scotland. A documentary about John Lewis was made to explore whether a business model developed in the 1920s can survive the commercial turmoil of the 21st century. The documentary includes three episodes. Episode 1 looks at the impacts of the recession on John Lewis. Episode 2 sees the company’s steps to boost sales and control costs. The fashion floors are revamped, and a big shop is built in Cardiff. Episode 3 looks to the future in which John Lewis is expanding its fashion offering on-line.
  II. Reasons for Expansion
  Superficially it is hard to comprehend why John Lewis expanded in the worst recession in its history. Its operating profit of 2009 dropped by 27.4%,and the new store cost nearly 1/4 of the operating profit. Besides, John Lewis was going to open a pilot store focusing on electrical and home technology products. However, there are deeper reasons for the move as listed below.
  First, the new store in Cardiff is to meet future needs. A managing director thought it was not open for this year, but for the next fifty years. Take the shop in Liverpool for example. The shop relocated as part of Liverpool’s development in 2008 just before the recession began. The sales exceeded expectations. Depressing in 2009, the economy will revive eventually. Besides, the major clientele of John Lewis are the middle and upper classes who are less sensitive to change of economy. A new store can offer them more buying choices, bringing more profits to John Lewis.
  Second, the decision to build a store in Cardiff is in line with the decision to revise the fashion department. Not known as a fashion retailer, it has decided to change the clothing division to attract younger customers without alienating the elder ones. To achieve this, it is better to show the new fashion clothing in a new store. If it is shown in the existing ones, the elder customers may not be used to the change and feel alienated. A new store can appear as a new image of fashion retailer and achieve the goal of attracting younger customers and retaining elder ones.
  Third, opening new stores will help enhance the social reputation of John Lewis. New stores mean job opportunities and tax for local government, thus boosting local economic development. The new store needs 750 new workers, let alone other jobs created in construction and decoration. One of the newly-recruited employees said he had been out of job for six months and was thrilled to be hired. It helps John Lewis establish its image as a socially responsible company.
  Last, the opening of a pilot shop of “At Home” will help consolidate the core competency of John Lewis—personal and specialist service. Electrical and home technology has been one of its best-selling departments. Its sales growth is 6% in 2008and 2.9% even in the uncertain 20092. A specialized shop can develop tailor-made strategies to better adapt to the market with a wide range of products. It will gain advantages over suppliers, resulting in lower prices. Customers can enjoy better shopping experience. The pilot shop need not worry about flow of customers because it is located at a commerce centre where there are already many shoppers. It only needs to attract more into it.
  The strategies prove to be successful. In 2010 with the slow recovery of economy, its operating profit increases by 15%.The annual report states “our shop in Cardiff is building a firm foundation in this new location, and sales at our At Home trial format in Poole have exceeded expectations”.
  III. Summary
  Expansion bears certain risks. Expansion during recession is of more peril. Blind expansion may destroy rather than rescue a company if decision-makers do not understand current conditions and future trends clearly. But expansion also means more opportunities. A company must be familiar with its internal and external environments to expand successfully
【摘要】报刊英语是当代英语特色的集中体现。报刊英语具有内容新颖、语言现代、资料丰富和语言实用的特点,在高职将报刊英语阅读结合到综合英语核心课程的教学中,无疑有利于开阔眼界,培养学生的综合运用能力,从而提高他们的综合素质。如何将《China Daily》报刊内容导入渗透到高职综合英语课程中,具体采用什么样的教学内容、教学形式、教学考核,最大效能的发挥报刊英语教学的作用,是高职英语教学改革新的重要课题
我国基础教育《英语课程标准》明确要求教师由传统的知识传授者向学生自主学习的促进者、学生学习的合作者、课程资源的开发者等角色转变。这表明教师在教学过程中将和学生充分互动,合作探究,带领学生向高效课堂进军。  【教学实例】  《牛津小学英语》6B Unit3 Asking the way   这一单元以问路为主要话题,重点学习问路中常涉及的相关用语,同时学习与问路相关的一些词汇。本单元的BC部分,为学
英语作为一门语言学科,充满了人文思想、精神、智慧。新课程改革中的小学英语课堂就是师生之间灵魂相通的纽带;是学生运用“听、说、读、写”的技能,实践、感知、合作、实验英语的地方,更是他们凸显个性、成长心智、拓展思维的平台。  未来教室开创了这种顾全整体学生,又体现个性化、差异化培养学生的教育新模式。在未来的教室里,无线网络、电子触摸屏白板和平板电脑是基本硬件构成。区别于传统教学中的黑板、粉笔、教科书,
【摘要】概念图作为一种促进高效和有意义学习的教与学的策略被欧美国家的教育领域广泛研究和应用。它是一种用节点代表概念、连线表示概念间关系的组织和表征知识的工具。本文首先简要分析当前高中英语语篇教学的现状,然后通过理论探讨和课例分析指出运用概念图于高中英语语篇教学的可行性和有效性。  【关键词】概念图 高中英语 语篇教学  一、引言  阅读理解作为高中阶段英语学习的重中之重,在应试中起着非常关键的作用
【摘要】本文以第二届夏季青年奥林匹克运动会为例,从全球化的视角分析青奥期间南京主流网站,传播手册,宣传标语等的英译以及其翻译策略、传播效果。同时以增进本土文化与异国文化的交流,将中华文化推向世界舞台为目的,为全球化背景下的中国当代外宣翻译提供了几点建议。  【关键词】外宣翻译 南京青奥会 全球化 文化 走出去  一、引言  外宣,即对外宣传,是公共外交不可或缺的一部分。与外宣紧密相关,即以外国观众
【摘要】在人的各种感知觉活动中,视觉占重要的地位,那些对色彩有敏锐感觉的儿童往往对色彩辨认的知觉度也较强。这类儿童在性格上往往表现出活泼、大方,语言表达能力强;容易接受新事物,有较强的观察能力和动手操作能力。因此,根据儿童在成长过程中各阶段的心理发展特点,有意识地培养他们的色彩感知觉,对于儿童良好性格的形成和智力的发展都具有重要的意义。  【关键词】色彩感 小班幼儿 美术活动  4~5岁的小班幼儿
听君一席言,胜读十年书。在这次培训中,我们听了数位“君”的数席言,我想我只能用受益匪浅这四个字来形容了。老师们的博文广识、生动讲解、精彩案例,无不在我的脑海里留下了深刻的印象,我只恨自己才疏学浅、文笔糟糕,不能够将所有的感触都通过文字显然于纸上。在此,请允许我由衷的对张老师说一声“谢谢”,这样的培训给我们小学英语教师提供了很好的共同交流、共同学习的机会。 通过这几天的培训课程,我得到的太多了,整理
英语课堂应当是平等、开放的课堂。平等,指以学生为中心。教师应是学生学习的引导者、合作者和促进者。开放,指学生的思维完全打开,并可以畅所欲言。一名优秀教师,要在特定的情境中与学生展开真心交流,在交流中引发思维碰撞。  “厚读薄学”是针对对教材的把握、对教学的设计来说的。见字明意,厚读指把教材学丰富,最大化地挖掘文本内涵。薄学则指高屋建瓴地理解文本脉络。“交流鼓励见真功”,指教师需要运用深厚的语言功底
5月20日,在这个被称为“网络情人节”日子里,来自全国各地的几千名DOTA2爱好者,在湖南长沙的国际会展中心收到了一份来自PSG.LGD和Mars耀宇传媒的特殊礼物,也是在这里,每个人都成为了历史时刻的见证者。  MDL?金鹰电竞站是“星城”长沙首次迎来国际大型电竞赛事,是一次历史性的突破。尽管在此之前,湖南曾是中国有名的“电竞之乡”,众多知名DOTA2选手出自这里,但过去由于各种原因,长沙在很长