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《课程标准》明确指出:“培养学生的创新意识和实践能力。”创新思维意识是人们积极主动地进行创新思维活动的内部动力和前提条件。课堂教学是培养创新意识的主渠道。因此,老师要竭力给学生创造有利条件,培养课堂的创新思维意识。下面笔者就如何在课堂上培养创新思维意识谈几点体会。一、护奇存趣,激发创新思维意识好奇是小学生的心理年龄特征之一。对于学生提出的一些设想和见解,教师应当给予鼓励。如果受到老师的指责和否定,则会使学生丧失自信心而抑制学生的求 “Curriculum Standard” clearly states: “Developing students’ innovative and practical abilities.” Innovative thinking is the internal motivation and prerequisite for people’s active and innovative thinking activities. Classroom teaching is the main channel to cultivate innovative awareness. Therefore, the teacher should make great efforts to create favorable conditions for the students and cultivate the creative thinking in class. The following author on how to cultivate innovative thinking in the classroom to talk a few experiences. First, the odd interest, stimulate innovative thinking Conscious curiosity is one of the psychological characteristics of primary school students. Teachers should encourage students to put forward some ideas and opinions. If the teacher’s accusation and negation, it will make students lose their confidence and inhibit student demand
在近 2 0年中 ,美国青少年肥胖率超出以往近 3倍 ,其中 1 5%年龄在 1 2~ 1 7岁。最近 ,美国儿科协会对 6 2 1 2名 4~ 1 9岁在校学生每日的饮食情况作了调查 ,发现其中 30 %的学
目的探讨慢性机械压力能否诱导气道上皮黏蛋白(mucin,MUC)5AC表达及通过的相关信号通路。方法培养大鼠气道上皮细胞建立气液相界面(air liquid interface,ALI),通过对Transwe
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本文在分析湖南汽车产业的基础上,提出了湖南汽车人才供需矛盾,并从政府、学校、企业等层面提出了汽车人才培养的对策。 On the basis of analyzing the automobile industr
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