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本文以强制性认证企业调查为背景,通过文献总结和获证企业访谈,从影响企业价值创造、影响企业进入市场和影响企业可持续经营三个方面选取了16项强制性认证对企业发展影响因素。选取中国CCC、德国VDE、美国UL3类回收问卷相对集中的认证种类开展不同认证对企业发展影响评价研究。结果显示:中国CCC首要强调的因素是产品质量,其次是过程管理,而将国际贸易因素的重要性放在较次要的位置;而美国UL和德国VDE均重点强调国际贸易因素;CCC认证相较于UL认证和VDE对企业发展的作用稍显不足。因此,建议政府主管部门加快CCC认证制度国际合作互认机制建设,促使获证企业认证结果获得更多的国际采信;积极向外输出中国CCC认证管理经验,引导和发挥CCC认证在国际发展中发挥引领作用。 In this paper, based on the investigation of compulsory certification enterprises, through the literature review and the interview of certified enterprises, this paper selects 16 factors influencing the enterprise development from three aspects: influencing the enterprise value creation, influencing the enterprise entering the market and affecting the sustainable management of the enterprise . This paper chooses the certification of China CCC, Germany VDE and the United States UL3 questionnaire to study the influence of different certifications on the development of enterprises. The results show that the primary emphasis of CCC in China is product quality, followed by process management, while the importance of international trade is placed in a more important position. The United States UL and Germany VDE emphasize the factors of international trade. The CCC certification phase Compared with the UL certification and VDE on the role of business development slightly less. Therefore, it is suggested that government departments should speed up the construction of the mechanism for mutual recognition of international cooperation in the CCC certification system so as to promote more international acceptance of the certification results of certified enterprises; actively export the experience of CCC certification management in China and guide and give full play to CCC certification in international development Lead the role.
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中图分类号:G633.6文献标识码:A文章编号:1673–1875(2007)01–111–02    多年来,中学数学教学一直存在着求快求深现象:三年的课程两年上完,第三年专门用来复习,“满堂灌、煮两遍”;在基础年级便瞄准高考提高训练难度。本文拟对这种现象进行讨论。    一、求快求深的若干表现    1.1增加课时,加班加点  按教育部颁布的课程计划,高中数学每周安排3-4课时,而实际上普遍的
为解决BW 250/50型泥浆泵陶瓷柱塞容易炸裂问题,部委托上海地质处和勘探技术研究所合作,研究试验氮化硅柱塞,经反复试验,于1981年陆续制成一批氮化硅柱塞,经有关部门测定,其物理机