中国当代艺术教育价值观的流变 以马克思主义中国化为视角

来源 :艺术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fcsleep
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新中国成立以来,中国艺术教育经历了求真、务实、求新等几个不同的价值追求阶段。这些寻求人类精神家园真、善、美的艺术实践活动,无一例外的都是中国共产党领导基于中国社会发展所处的经济基础所阐发出的教育方针的体现,它们是马克思主义原理在艺术教育领域的灵活运用,也是马克思主义中国化在艺术教育领域的具体表现。文章运用马克思主义中国化的相关理论,通过对每一时期艺术教育不同价值追求的考察,寻求中国当代艺术教育对马克思主义中国化的具体表述,进一步深刻理解马克思主义中国化的理论研究。同时,文章也为更好地把握马克思主义教育思想中国化的脉络,为今后的艺术教育发展起到一定的启示作用。 Since the founding of new China, art education in China has experienced several different stages of value pursuit such as seeking truth, being pragmatic and seeking new ideas. These artistic practices seeking truth, kindness and beauty of the human spiritual home are, without exception, the embodiment of the educational guidelines emanating from the CPC’s leadership based on the economic foundation of China’s social development. These are the principles of Marxism in art education It is also a concrete manifestation of the sinicization of Marxism in the field of art education. By using the relevant theories of Marxism in China, this article attempts to find out the concrete expression of the sinicization of Marxism by Chinese contemporary art education and further understand the theoretical research of the sinicization of Marxism through the investigation of different values ​​pursuit of art education in each period. At the same time, the article also plays a certain enlightenment role in the future development of art education in order to better grasp the context of Marxism education in China.
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