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  【Abstract】This article summarized the research progress and characteristics of Chinese social security issues from 2000 papers, which record in CNKI. We find that, the topic in the field of social security is board and dispersion. Due to the huge system and complex problem of social security, there is no central theme. Through cluster analysis, multi dimensional scaling analysis and social network analysis, we got the high frequency keywords atlas. Then, we summarized the research topic to six parts. They are rural social security, urban and rural social security co-ordination, vulnerable group social security, social security fund management, the social insurance system, and social security system and government responsibility. It summed up the theme of the module, meanwhile, combined the practice analysis.
  【Key words】social security; domestic; citationanalysis; visualization
  Social security is a newly emerging multi-interdisciplinary field, which is at the application level. As a basic social and economic system in modern countries, the perfection of the social security system is closely related to China’s reform, development and stability. In the period of China’s economic transformation, how to examine the current situation of social security, the level of social security research is an important indicator to measure the level of its development. Then what is the characteristics of Chinese social security research in different historical development stages, what is the correlation between theoretical research and practical development, all these questions have certain significance to the development of theory and reality. On the basis of the above background, this paper carries on the literature quantitative analysis to the research of the social security field since 1989 by using literature analysis method; explores and studies the law in the content through the key words from Internet; summarizes the research trends in the field of social security in China, and puts forward suggestions on the future social security research
  I. Visualization analysis of research contents
  Social security is a new research field based on the application level, which is built on the basis of interdisciplinary, compared with the mature research paradigm of developed countries, China’s social security research is accompanied with the development of China’s social security system construction and reform, and it has made some progress in twenty-five years. Based on descriptive statistics, it uses multidimensional scaling analysis and social network analysis to study the change of the content of social security in our country through the subject terms.   Core research content and its interpretation
  On the basis of the overall grasp of the social security field, we find that the research in this field is concentrated in six aspects. Among them, rural social security, urban and rural over planning of social security and social security of disadvantaged groups are particularly concerned. Then, this paper will carry out specific analysis on these three aspects.
  1. Rural social security
  At present, our country’s farmers enjoy the basic pension insurance and basic medical insurance. It is the security that “elderly will be looked after properly” based on no tax farming. As early as in 1990s, some scholars have pointed out that China’s rural social security system was failed to fully reflect the nature of China’s socialism.
  2. Urban and rural overall planning of social security
  Urban and rural overall planning of social security is to achieve effective links between urban resident pension and medical insurance in policy and system, such as new rural cooperative medical system and urban resident medical reimbursement system carry out unified management and unified service, including policies, charges, drug catalogs and insurance coverage, etc. The special social system of our country determines that the social security system of urban and rural areas is different, and it presents the characteristics of diversification and regionalization. In view of this topic, the scholars’ research focuses on the following aspects: how to choose the basic pension and basic medical model; how to build a multi-level social security, how to get rid of medical insurance debris and realize network integration, how to reduce the gap between urban and rural areas of the lowest social security
  II. Research arguments and resonance
  As China’s social security system is still in the stage of exploration and development, there are also some theoretical issues in the academic debate, on the one hand, it shows that the research of social security in China is developing towards a deeper level, on the other hand, it also shows that the social security system in China needs to be further improved. Through literature analysis, it summarizes the three issues in the academic circles, which are social security and social welfare; efficiency and fairness, as well as urban and rural dualistic structure and multi-level structure.
  1. Social security and social welfare
  Throughout the social security research, it is found that the connotation of social security and social welfare has a fuzzy boundary, and the connotation and extension of the two are different to some extent. International social welfare is considered as a system arrangement to achieve a high level of social welfare state, including the social security system. The basic social security system in our country is beneficial; basic pension insurance and basic medical insurance are the benefit of the people. On the basis of these, there are some complementary pension and medical insurance, such as critical illness insurance, enterprise annuity and so on. So it can be said that the social security and social welfare both have crosses, security is “timely assistance” welfare is to“make it even better”.   2. Efficiency and fairness
  Discussion on efficiency and equity issues has been a hot topic in the field of social security research. From welfare economics to Keynes’s theory of social security, it is advocated to discuss the issue of social security from the perspective of fairness. Maintaining social justice is the core idea of the social security system, and the promotion of efficiency is the natural attribute of the modern social security system. Before the reform and opening up, China has always put “social fairness” in the first place. Many scholars advocated making the “cake” bigger first so that everyone could have a piece of it.
  3.Urban and rural dualistic structure and multi-layer structure
  Social security is an important tool to adjust income distribution. Scientific and reasonable social security system can reflect the nature of fairness, justice and mutual benefit. The current mode of social security is still in dispute, the lost-land peasants and migrant workers and other special groups get a higher degree of social security concerns, but old-age social security has not yet attracted enough attention. In addition, current academic circles more carry out transverse analysis, lack of longitudinal analysis. It is hoped that the bibliometric analysis can bring enlightenment to the domestic counterparts, carry out a more comprehensive research and draw more meaningful conclusions by combining with the current policy of social security in China.
在英语教学中长期存在着“重知识讲授、轻能力培养”的倾向,在这种情形下,学生成为课堂的配角,同时也难以达到语言教学的根本目的。自2005年我校开始实施竞业园课堂模式以来,把小组合作学习引进课堂,就改变了以往的师生关系,更新了讲课模式,激励了学生的参与意识和协作能力,让学生成为了课堂真正的主人,“竞争”绽放花烂漫就是我们现在课堂的真实写照。  一、六步预习法——查,划,写,记,练,思  1.泛读与精读
【Abstract】This study aims to analyze the problems encountered in the process of translating business contracts.The study object of this article is international electronic commerce contracts. Through
【摘要】“听、说、读、写”是英语课程标准提出的基本语言技能,“听”被至于首位,这不是一种偶然,而是对语言活动规律的自然、真实的反映。本文笔者以牛津英语教材为依托,致力将听力话题、听力实践情境化、生活化,活水源头,提升学生英语综合应用能力。  【关键词】听力教学;情境教学法;听法  【作者简介】周洪珍,沭阳县湖东初级中学。  英语听力活动多种多样,但实际英语听力课堂教学主要就是三大步:听前、听中、听
【摘要】英语作为世界通用语言,由于不同地区的政治、经济及文化影响各不相同,因此,多元语用现象及语用表现成为英语学习中能否准确运用英语的关键因子。鉴于此,本文从多元语境的内涵出发,对多元语境下的英语语用现象及特征进行了分析,以此为突破英语教学重难点提供一定的参考依据。  【关键词】语境;语用;英语;多元化;语言学习  【作者简介】王艳,宿迁市职业教育与社会教育教研室。  引言  语言的产生及发展是人
浙江省诸暨市荣怀学校小学部  【摘要】词汇教学在整个小学英语教学中过程中占据着重要位置,因此作为当代一线的英语教育工作者,必须要认真研读小学英语教材,明确词汇的教学目标,更重要的是能够贯彻“以学生发展为本”,将词汇教学的目标定位准确,采用恰当的教学方法,确保教学取得理想的教学效果。文中,笔者结合自己多年的教学实践经验,探究了小学英语词汇教学板块的目标定位和教学实施。  【关键词】小学英语 词汇教学
【摘要】高职学生在英语口语学习中普遍面临“无话可说、言之无物”的窘境,除了词汇量缺乏、语法知识薄弱等显性原因外,思辨能力的缺失成了他们英语口语表达中的一大绊脚石,故教师在高职英语口语教学中如能贯以思辨能力的培养则有助于加强学生语言与思维的自然联系、提高学生运用英语解决实际问题的操作能力。  【关键词】高职英语;口语教学;思辨能力  【作者简介】刘潇(1985.02-),江苏旅游职业学院,讲师,研究
【摘要】英语是初中学生升学考试的必考科目,并占据较大的分值比例,学生若是想要在中考之中取得佳绩,拿下英语考试十分关键。为此在本文中笔者将结合自身的实践教学经验,对近些年的中考英语热点难点做出以下分析研究,希望能够帮助更多迎战中考的学生。  【关键词】中考英语;热点;难点  【作者简介】陈丹萍,无锡市新吴区梅里中学。  前言  在现下的初中升学考试制度之中,英语是必考科目,学生若是想要决胜中考,就必
【摘要】首先,自然拼读法原本是一种小学语文的教学手段,运用该种教学方式开展教学,能够有效地降低学生的学习难度,提升学生的学习兴趣。但是通过实验分析显示,该种方式同样适用于英语教学中。对于高职学生来说,英语学习的难度较高,并且较为枯燥,所以该种教学模式能够有效地缓解这些问题。基于此,本文将对如何在高职英语教学的过程中运用自然拼读法开展教学进行分析。  【关键词】自然拼读法;高职英语教学;词汇教学;教
【摘要】信息化教学已势不可挡,微信因其高效的信息传输,便捷的语音通信,广阔的资源平台,为越来越多的教师和学生所使用。本文主要阐述了微信在大学英语阅读教学中的辅助作用,介绍了微信辅助大学英语阅读教学的具体模式,以期改进大学英语阅读教学,提高教学效率。  【关键词】微信;大学英语阅读;辅助教学  【作者简介】 吴尚(1984.03-),男,长沙人,海南热带海洋学院外国语学院,讲师,研究方向:英语教育。