
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ychhome
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The severity of tissue changes associated with incidental white matter hyperintensities (WMH) in the elderly cannot be sufficiently determined by conventional MRI. We, therefore, performed a regional analysis of the magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) maps obtained on a 1.5 T scanner from 198 neurologically asymptomatic participants of the Austrian Stroke Prevention Study (mean age 70, age range 52-87 years) in regard to WMH and predefined areas of normal appearing brain tissue. Fluid attenuated inversion recovery MRI was used to grade lesion severity and for lesion volume measurements. The MTR of WMH was always significantly lower than that of normal appearing white matter (NAWM) with an overall relative reduction of 10%and decreased significantly with increasing scores of WMH severity (P = 0.02) and WMH volume (r = -0.24, P = 0.0016). NAWM MTR was not different between subjects with very few and extensive WMH and the WMH volume was associated with NAWM MTR of the frontal lobes only. Concerning a possible impact on cerebral functioning the MTR of the frontal NAWM was significantly associated with fine motor dexterity (P = 0.04) but not with cognitive performance. A significant decline of the MTR with aging was seen in both NAWM and cortex but not in WMH. We conclude that MTR measurements can serve to quantify WMH associated tissue damage. It is predominantly focal, relatively mild, increases with lesion size and may have remote effects on the frontal white matter. The severity of tissue changes associated with incidental white matter hyperintensities (WMH) in the elderly can not be determined determined by conventional MRI. We, therefore, performed a regional analysis of the magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) maps obtained on a 1.5 T scanner from 198 neurologically asymptomatic participants of the Austrian Stroke Prevention Study (mean age 70, age range 52-87 years) in regard to WMH and predefined areas of normal appearing brain tissue. Fluid attenuated inversion recovery MRI was used to grade lesion severity and for lesion volume measurements . The MTR of WMH was always significantly lower than that of normal appearing white matter (NAWM) with an overall relative reduction of 10% and decreased significantly with increasing scores of WMH severity (P = 0.02) and WMH volume (r = -0.24, P = 0.0016). NAWM MTR was not different between subjects with very few and extensive WMH and the WMH volume was associated with NAWM MTR of the frontal lobes only. C oncerning a possible impact on cerebral functioning the MTR of the frontal NAWM was significantly associated with fine motor dexterity (P = 0.04) but not with cognitive performance. A significant decline of the MTR with aging was seen in both NAWM and cortex but not in WMH . We conclude that MTR measurements can serve to quantify WMH associated tissue damage. It is predominantly focal, relatively mild, increases with lesion size and may have remote effects on the frontal white matter.
采用土壤深松 45cm、30 cm处理打破犁底层 ,1 996~ 1 998年连续进行 2个年度的冬小麦保墒、增产效应田间试验 .试验结果表明 :土壤深松处理后可减少冬小麦全生育期 0~ 1 0 0 cm
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脑卒中脑内病灶致同侧偏瘫,解剖学称之为未交叉纤维支配。近年来,由于 CT 及 MRI 的广泛应用。脑血管病变半球病灶致同侧体征者时有所见。笔者将1991—2004年同期收治5例患