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近日,国务院总理李克强签署第658号国务院令,公布《中华人民共和国政府采购法实施条例》(以下简称《条例》),《条例》自2015年3月1日起施行。政府采购法自2003年1月1日实施以来,对规范政府采购行为、提高政府采购资金的使用效益、促进廉政建设发挥了重要作用。十多年来,政府采购改革深入推进,政府采购总规模从2002年的1009亿元上升到2013年的16381亿元。但 Recently, Premier Li Keqiang signed Order No. 658 of the State Council, promulgating the Regulations for the Implementation of the Government Procurement Law of the People’s Republic of China (the “Regulations”), and the “Regulations” came into force on March 1, 2015. Since the implementation of the government procurement law on January 1, 2003, it has played an important role in standardizing government procurement, improving the efficiency of the government procurement funds and promoting the building of a clean government. For more than a decade, the government procurement reform has been further promoted. The total size of government procurement has risen from 100.9 billion yuan in 2002 to 1,638.1 billion yuan in 2013. but
The theory of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability is empolyed to analyze the instability of areacting gas jet submerged in a liquid. A parameter of dffesion velocity i
A general procedure for surface modification of nano-alumina using N,N’-dicyclohexyl-carbodiimide (DCC) mediated amidation is reported. Aliphatic and aromatic
窿 47。 Q 48正 福建省发展核电的历史使命…………………………………………胡锡兰 1.6把握有利机遇 加快核电进程…………………………………………陈伯清 1.8台湾核能发电