Structural Join and Staircase Join Algorithms of Sibling Relationship

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:g10703107
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The processing of XML queries can result in evaluation of various structural relationships. Efficient algorithms for evaluating ancestor-descendant and parent-child relationships have been proposed. Whereas the problems of evaluating preceding-sibling-following-sibling and preceding-following relationships are still open. In this paper, we studied the struc-tural join and staircase join for sibling relationship. First, the idea of how to filter out and minimize unnecessary reads of elements using parent’s structural information is introduced, which can be used to accelerate structural joins of parent-child and preceding-sibling-following-sibling relationships. Second, two efficient structural join algorithms of sibling relationship are proposed. These algorithms lead to optimal join performance: nodes that do not participate in the join can be judged beforehand and then skipped using B+-tree index. Besides, each element list joined is scanned sequentially once at most.Furthermore, output of join results is sorted in document order. We also discussed the staircase join algorithm for sibling axes. Studies show that, staircase join for sibling axes is close to the structural join for sibling axes and shares the samecharacteristic of high efficiency. Our experimental results not only demonstrate the effectiveness of our optimizing techniquesfor sibling axes, but also validate the efficiency of our algorithms. As far as we know, this is the first work addressing thisproblem specially.
摘 要:做好分组学习在小学数学教学中的运用分析,能够为提高小学数学课堂教学效果带来帮助。文章先对小学数学分组学习误区予以分析,之后对小学数学分组学习运用策略予以探讨,希望能够为发挥分组学习在小学数学教学中的价值带来积极作用。  关键词:小学数学;分组学习;运用  在小学数学课堂教学中,为了让学生获得更好的学习体验,教师需要对教学方法予以研究,分组学习模式作为其中最典型的教学模式,其在小学数学教学中
伟大的科学家爱因斯坦说:“兴趣是最好的老师。”培养和激发学生探求新知识的兴趣,是实施素质教育重要环节,尤其是在新课程改革新理念的形式下,显得格外重要。当我们步入新课程实验区后,如何在数学教学中积极创设教学情境,培养和激发学生的兴趣呢?笔者有以下做法:  一、利用导图,创设情境  义务教育数学课程实验教材特意安排了许多极其精彩的导图,例如:七年级上册数学第一章《走进数学世界》的导图显示了数学世界的风
摘 要:小学英语前置性作业设计,就是在发挥作业温故知新作用的基础上,突出自主预习性和练习引导性,让小学生在练习过程中更好理解课程学习重点和难点,体现概括引导性。在设计中应结合学生的学习能力差异布置多样化作业,鼓励学生有选择性地练习,提高小学生綜合语言表达的运用能力。  关键词:小学英语;前置性作业;优化设计  一、小学英语教学要运用任务型原则来优化学习过程  让学生在任务探究过程中提高语言表达运用
数学知识的获取应是思维的结果,导出这些结果的生动的思维过程,是培养逻辑思维的最佳时机和重要途径,要想在教学过程中培养学生的思维能力就必须让学生亲自参加感知、分析、综合、抽象、概括的过程,如果忽视学生的认识和思维过程,就会削弱思维能力的培养。为此,我试就如何在获取知识的过程中培养学生的逻辑思维能力谈几点初浅的见解。  一、注意实际操作,培养学生的逻辑思维能力  小学生的思维处在以具体形象思维向抽象逻