抓队伍 打基础 促工作——广西壮族自治区宗教局局长林东昭访谈

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广西宗教局局长林东昭儒雅风度,文人模样,上任三年,颇有工作思路,工作成绩显著。不久前,我们在与他一起从南宁去梧州调研的路上,对其进行了采访。问答中,我们深深体悟到他的智慧、实干与内在的激情。问:您在2003年底担任自治区宗教局局长,听说您当时感到压力很大?答:记得是2003年12月底的一天,我突然接到区委组织部的电话,说是部领导找我谈话。去了之后被告知,自治区党委已经决定调我到自治区宗教局工作,并交代我到岗半年后要给党委分管领导汇报。谈话回来后的第二天,又接到政府办公厅的电话,要我元旦后随自治区领导同志到北京参加全国宗教工作座谈会。当时任命书还没下来,我也没去报到就随领导同志赴京开会去了。这次会议提出的任务和要求,让我这个初来乍到的宗教工作新兵感触很深,加上要完成领导同志要求的专题汇报,我确实感到压力很大。 Guangxi Bureau of Religious Affairs Lin Dongzhao refined style, literary appearance, took office for three years, quite a work train of thought, a significant achievement. Not long ago, we interviewed Nanning on our way to Wuzhou for investigation. Q & A, we deeply realize his wisdom, hard work and inner passion. Q: You were the Secretary of Religious Affairs of the Autonomous Region at the end of 2003 and I heard that you were under a lot of pressure at the time. A: Remembering the end of December 2003, I suddenly received a telephone call from the Organizing Committee of the district committee and said that the leaders of the ministry had talked to me . After going to be informed that the autonomous regional party committee has decided to transfer me to work in the Autonomous Region Religious Affairs Bureau, and account for six months after my arrival to the party in charge of the leadership report. The day after the talk came back, he received a phone call from the government office asking him to go to Beijing to attend the forum on religious work after New Year’s Day with leading comrades from the autonomous region. At that time the appointment book has not come down, I did not go to Beijing to report with the leadership went to Beijing. The tasks and demands set forth in this meeting make me deeply touched by this newly recruited religious work recruiter, and I am really under pressure to complete the presentation of the special reports requested by the leading comrades.
1.约瑟夫逊效应 (1)历史展望约瑟夫逊效应是一种超导体所特有的效应。因此只有在液氦产生的深低温下才会出现,如图1所示,超导材料如铅的薄膜之间夹入数毫微米厚的(PbO)膜,形
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对硅外延层中微缺陷的研究表明: 1.硅外延层中微缺陷的实质是杂质钉扎空位的结合物,是一种点缺陷,称之为“雾点”。“雾片”的“雾点”密度为10~6~10~8个/厘米~2,亮片的雾点
如果在路上看到有钥匙(yào shi)遗(yí)落在地,你觉得会是()。A.一大串钥匙B.两三把钥匙C.只有一把钥匙【选项分析】选择A项:你对未来有无限的憧憬(chōnɡjǐnɡ),你认为生