
来源 :国际眼科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smuwenwen
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目的:评价植入聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)人工晶状体和软性人工晶状体(AcroSof)致后发性白内障的严重程度。方法:总共100人(110眼)进行了人工晶状体植入术,随机分为两组植入不同类型的晶状体。组I: AcrySof(SA60AT)人工晶状体,组II:PMMA(LX10BD)人工晶状体。分别在术后3,6,12和18mo,通过测定最佳矫正视力和数码照片拍摄评价后囊膜浑浊的密度。结果:术后3mo, PMMA组后囊膜浑浊的密度明显增加(3.6%),而Acrylic组并未发现增加。术后18mo,显著后囊膜浑浊两组的发生率相比较,Acrylic组(14.5%)较PMMA组(34.5%)低。由于PMMA人工晶状体比AcrySof人工晶状体所致后囊膜浑浊的范围广,故其导致更严重的视力降低。结论:与PMMA人工晶状体相比较,植入AcrySof人工晶状体在一定程度上有助于降低后发性白内障的发生率。 PURPOSE: To evaluate the severity of post-operative cataract induced by polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) intraocular lens and soft intraocular lens (AcroSof). METHODS: A total of 100 (110 eyes) underwent intraocular lens implantation and were randomly divided into two groups with different types of lens implantation. Group I: AcrySof (SA60AT) intraocular lens, Group II: PMMA (LX10BD) intraocular lens. At 3, 6, 12 and 18 months postoperatively, the density of posterior capsular opacification was assessed by measuring the best corrected visual acuity and digital photographs. Results: At 3 months postoperatively, the density of posterior capsular opacification increased significantly in PMMA group (3.6%), but no increase was found in Acrylic group. At postoperative 18 months, the incidence of significant posterior capsular opacification was lower in the Acrylic group (14.5%) than in the PMMA group (34.5%). As PMMA intraocular lenses have a wide range of posterior capsule opacities due to AcrySof intraocular lenses, they result in more severe vision loss. CONCLUSIONS: AcrySof intraocular lens implantation helps to reduce the incidence of post-op cataract compared with PMMA.
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