优化学校管理 提高教学质量

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现结合乡镇中学的现状,谈谈对学校管理工作的一些看法。一、优化教师结构1.优化领导班子成员的素质,提高管理水平。领导班子在工作中起着主导作用,学校办得成功与否,他们肩负着重任。所以要求学校的领导班子成员达到以下要求:树立科研意识,走科研兴校之路;善于发现问题,分析问题,解决问题;关注教育改革和发展,易于接受新事物,及时获取新信息;实事求是,勤于调查,勇于探索,勇于创新;能认真反思总结自己的言行及工作,并及时调整自己,还要具备大胆为学校出谋划策的主人翁意识。优化教师队伍建设提高教学水平坚持向管理 Now combined with the status of township schools, talk about some of the views of school management. First, optimize the structure of teachers 1. Optimize the quality of the leadership team members and improve management. The leadership team plays a leading role in the work. The success of the school or not, they shoulder the heavy responsibility. Therefore, members of the school’s leadership team are required to meet the following requirements: to establish a sense of scientific research and follow the path of scientific research and research; to be good at discovering problems, analyzing problems and solving problems; paying attention to education reform and development, being receptive to new things and obtaining timely new information; seeking truth from facts, Diligent in the investigation, the courage to explore and be bold in innovation; to seriously reflect on their own words and deeds and work, and timely adjustment of their own, but also have the courage to give advice and suggestions for the school’s sense of ownership. Optimize the Construction of Teaching Staff, Improve the Teaching Quality and Stick to Management
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A novel gem-difluoromethylenated castanospermine analogue B was designed and synthesized, starting from 3-bromo-3,3-difluoropropene and L-()-malic acid. The key
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