New Pair of Shoes

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Keeplng up seemed so important when I was1963, if you weren’t wearing penny loafers you’d just as soon go aroundin your bare feet. I was l3 years old and had worked hard to keep up withmy peers. There was only one problem that year: I had bought oxford-but penny loafers were in. I asked my dad for help.“I need some money for permy loafers,” I told him one afternoon at Keeplng up seemed so important when I was1963, if you weren’t wearing penny loafers you’d just as soon go aroundin your bare feet. I was l3 years old and had worked hard to keep up withmy peers. There was only one problem that Year: I had bought oxford-but penny loafers were in. I asked my dad for help.“I need some money for permy loafers,” I told him one afternoon at
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。Treat@小非@柴立青 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Treat@小非@
现在想起来,一匹马的名字叫做“庞然大物”实在有些奇怪。一头大象取这么个名字还差不多。也许……用它来称呼一匹马也行?不在乎它的个头根本没有大象那么大! 在本世纪(二十
Open-book ExaminationTeacher: Listen, boys and girls, we’ll have an open-book examination tomorrow morning. You can bring anything helpful Open-book Examinat