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广告不仅仅是一种涉及面越来越广的社会现象,从某种角度看,它更是集语言、绘画、摄影艺术于一体的一种综合艺术。随着社会经济的发展,随着人们文明程度的提高,广告正日益脱离朴素、单纯,走向华赡、丰蕴,广告的这一成熟走向,不仅仅得益于经济的繁荣,更得益于文学诸般因素的渗透,广告与文学的结合,使广告事业在某种程度上达到了空前的繁荣。 早就有人预言,进入九十年代,广告将进入公关广告的时代。而公关广告更注重的是公共关系效益,搞好公共关系需要良好的润滑剂,最早入围的广告制作者们,就很自然地把目光投向了文学——人 Advertising is not only a social phenomenon that involves more and more extensive aspects. From a certain angle of view, it is an integrated art integrating language, painting and photography art. With the development of society and economy, with the improvement of people’s civilizations, advertisements are increasingly departing from the simple and simple way of moving towards Huafa, Feng Yun and advertisement. This mature trend not only benefits from economic prosperity but also benefits from The permeation of literary factors and the combination of advertising and literature have brought the advertising business to an unprecedented level of prosperity. It has long been predicted that in the nineties, advertising will enter the era of public relations advertising. PR ads pay more attention to the effectiveness of public relations, good public relations needs good lubricants, the earliest short-listed advertising producers, it is natural to look at the literature - people
本文阐述了股份制合作林场的优越性,并提出了在我省飞播林区建立股份制合作林场需要注意的几个问题 This article elaborates the superiority of joint-stock cooperative f
据“中国地质矿产报”报道,1996年世界石油已探明储量1400亿吨,比过去增加了15亿吨,其中沙特阿 According to the “China Geology and Mineral News” reported that in 1
国家经济发展是有规律可循的,有高潮也有低潮,在了解其制约因素的基础上对症下药,就能保证经济的健康持续发展。 The economic development of our country follows a regul
On the basis of analysing and studyingthe mineralizing conditions and content ratinglaws, the authors infer the geology and oresnear old placers by applying th