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1911年,辛亥革命胜利,结束了中国历史上持续数千年之久的封建王朝的统治。次年民国建立,为发展社会经济、振奋民族精神,政府先后颁发了一些有关的政策法规,以鼓励各阶层民众,创办实业团体,抵制外资入侵。但是,由于旧民主主义革命的不彻底性,西方列强在强权政治的卵翼下,仰仗不平等条约,仍然控制着我国的经济命脉。宁波港的主权同样旁落于洋人手中。直到1919年,反帝爱国的“五·四”运动爆发以后,宁波的爱国学生和人民大众,与全国各地一样,在中共地下党的领导下,经过不折不挠的斗争,才迫使洋人交出宁波港的部分权力。民族航运业也得以较快的发展。据资料记载:到1936年宁波的轮船和汽船企业,已由1911年的11家,增加到48家。其中经营外海航线的就有20家。在国轮的货运吨上,1913年宁波港国轮占65.08%、英国占32.48%、日本、美国、挪威以及其它国籍的船舶占2.44%。到1933年,宁波港国轮的货运吨已占全港运量的80.62%,外籍轮船的货运量已不足20%。 In 1911, the 1911 Revolution won victory over the feudal dynasty that lasted for thousands of years in Chinese history. The following year the establishment of the Republic of China, in order to develop the social economy, boost the national spirit, the government has issued a number of relevant policies and regulations to encourage people of all walks of life to set up industrial groups to resist foreign invasion. However, owing to the incompleteness of the old-democratic revolution, the Western powers still dominate the economic lifeline of our country under the wing of power politics and on the basis of unequal treaties. The sovereignty of Ningbo Port also falls in the hands of foreigners. Only after the eruption of the “May Fourth Movement” of anti-imperialism and patriotism in 1919 did Ningbo’s patriotic students and the general public, like all other parts of the country, compelled under the leadership of the Chinese underground party to fight unrelentingly Foreigners hand over part of Ningbo Port power. National shipping industry has also been able to develop faster. According to the records, by 1936, the number of steamship and steamship enterprises in Ningbo increased from 11 in 1911 to 48. Among them, there are 20 overseas flights operated. In the cargo tonnage of the national vessel, in 1913, Ningbo Port made 65.08% of rounds, Britain accounted for 32.48%, and Japan, the United States, Norway and other nationalities accounted for 2.44%. By 1933, the cargo tonnage of Ningbo Port had accounted for 80.62% of the total traffic of Hong Kong and that of foreign vessels had been less than 20%.
作者对昆明栽培映山红(Rhododendron simsii planch.)品种作了较详细的整理与分类,并制定品种检索表,为进一步探索品种的形成规律与演化趋向,提供了必要的资料。 The author
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吃完海鲜不宜喝茶,因为茶叶中含有鞣酸,能与海鲜中的钙形成难溶的钙。在食用海鲜前后饮用茶,都会增加钙与鞣酸相结合的机会,易造成结石,最好间隔2小时以上再饮茶。 After ea