Proposal and prospects for the global Lower-Middle Cambrian boundary

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xumingxingHUANG
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In recent years paleontologists have been working on the global stratotype section and standard point (GSSP) for the Lower Middle Cambrian boundary in North America, China, Morocco, Spain and Russia. Continually, they suggest the potential first appearance datum (FAD) of the Middle Cambrian, such as Oryctocephalus indicus, Ovatoryctocara granulata, Acadoparadoxides mureroensis, Hupeolenus and Arthricocephalus chauveaui as being relevant to the potential stratotype section for the Lower Middle Cambrian boundary. There are only a few trilobites distributed widely enough in the Early to Middle Cambrian connection, so virtually no trilobite(s) can act as the FAD for the global Middle Cambrian. The easily identified Oryctocephalus indicus is widely distributed in three realms of the global Cambrian. Its first appearance position is linked to the extinction of old species coevolution of new ones. It appears to be a comparatively good FAD of Middle Cambrian. The continuous and unbroken Wuliu section (Balang, Taijiang County, Guizhou Province, China) includes O. indicus and co occurs with many benthic and nektonic trilobites. The evolution of acritarchs in the section, the changed characteristics of trace elements (REE and C isotopes) are generally consistent with the evolution of trilobites both above and below the boundary. Strata above the boundary yield the famous Kaili Biota. The Wuliu section is easily accessible from a main highway. In recent years paleontologists have been working on the global stratotype section and standard point (GSSP) for the Lower Middle Cambrian boundary in North America, China, Morocco, Spain and Russia. Continually, they suggest the potential first appearance datum (FAD) of the Middle Cambrian, such as Oryctocephalus indicus, Ovatoryctocara granulata, Acadoparadoxides mureroensis, Hupeolenus and Arthricocephalus chauveaui as being relevant to the potential stratotype section for the Lower Middle Cambrian boundary. There are only a few trilobites distributed widely enough enough in the Early to Middle Cambrian connection, The first identification of Oryctocephalus indicus is widely distributed in three realms of the global Cambrian. Its first appearance position is linked to the extinction of old species coevolution of new ones It appears to be a comparatively good FAD of Middle Cambrian. The continuous and unbroken Wuliu section (Balang, Taijiang County, Guizhou Province, China) includes O. indicus and co occur with many benthic and nektonic trilobites. The evolution of acritarchs in the section, the changed characteristics of trace elements (REE and C isotopes) are generally consistent with the evolution of trilobites both above and below the boundary. Strata above the boundary yield the famous Kaili Biota. The Wuliu section is more accessible from a main highway.
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