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我们于1988年12月至1989年6月在日本山形县尾花沢市研修期间,考察了日本东北地区的仙台、山形、新庄、洒田、尾花沢等市县,以及东京都的食用菌与流通情况,所见所闻都是令人耳目一新。日本的食用菌生产,大部分是机械化作业,以金针菇为例:从配料、装瓶、打孔、加盖、灭菌到接种都是由机械来完成,温湿度的调节也实现了自动控制。首先将原料(木屑)过筛,进入搅拌机,加麸皮,用多孔喷头加水,开机搅拌,待含水量适宜时(63%左右),停止加水,继续搅拌。然后把底部的出料口调节好,接上输送带进入装瓶机,经过第一次振动装满瓶,第二次振动压实、打孔、自动加盖,再由传送带送到消毒器。消毒是两面开口的,灭菌完毕把通向缓冲间的门打开,利用轨道车把料取出,在缓冲间冷却至18℃以后进入接种室。这样灭菌的培养料与外界完全没有接触,几乎没有杂菌污染。实际上,机械化作业的时候就是把搅拌机、装瓶机等经过电路联接,由光电进行控制,这样就组成了一条联动线,不用时分开存放,很是方便。接种也是机械半自动作业,每小时接1200瓶。接种后的发菌、催蕾、驯化以及生育期的温湿度,均由热交换器、超声波加湿机来完成。采收后的金针菇也是由真空包装机械来完成。 We studied the distribution and distribution of mushrooms in cities and counties in Sendai, Yamagata, Hsinchuang, Saitama, Tachibana and other cities in northeastern Japan during December, December, 1989 to June, 1989 at the Japan Flower Market in Yamagata Prefecture. What you see and hear is refreshing. Japan’s mushroom production, most of the mechanized operations to Flammulina as an example: from the ingredients, bottling, drilling, capping, sterilization are vaccinated by mechanical to complete the temperature and humidity control also achieved the automatic control. First of all the raw materials (sawdust) sifted into the blender, add bran, with a porous nozzle water, start stirring until the water content is appropriate (about 63%), stop adding water and continue stirring. Then the bottom of the discharge port regulation, connect the conveyor belt into the bottling machine, after the first vibration full bottle, the second vibration compaction, punching, automatic stamping, and then sent by the conveyor to the sterilizer. Disinfection is open on both sides, sterilization is completed to open the door to the buffer room, the use of rail car handle material removed, cooled to 18 ℃ in the buffer into the vaccination room. This sterilization of culture material with no contact with the outside world, almost no bacterial contamination. In fact, mechanized operation is to mixer, bottling machine, etc. through the circuit connection, controlled by the photoelectric, thus forming a linkage line, do not separate when stored, it is convenient. Vaccination is also a mechanical semi-automatic operation, connecting 1200 bottles per hour. After inoculation of germs, reminders of buds, domestication and growth of the temperature and humidity, by the heat exchanger, ultrasonic humidifier to complete. Harvested Flammulina also by the vacuum packaging machinery to complete.
Zhiyi Tongzhi Recipe (治疫通治方) in Traditional Chinese Medicine plays an important role in the history of anti-epidemic. When an epidemic is widespread, formu
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