The Advantage of Going For Vocational Education

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  Abstract:With the entering of the 21st century, information technology has become the world’s economic and social development trend, China is beginning to see vocational education as important to maintaining fast economic growth and social stability. Every one wants to have a lucrative career and bright future. That is the reason why most people these days take up vocational education. Vocational education is a type of educational attainment that teaches the student trade skills and aptitudes.Vocational school is a school that provides vocational education to individuals who desire to be trained in job-specific skills.
  Key Words:vocational education vocational school government economic
  Ⅰ. Vocational school provides various of courses
  Vocational schools may offer a wide range of vocational school courses, such as business, computers and information technology, culinary, electronics, fashion design, arts and design, automotive, legal, machinist, travel, telecommunications and welding.
  Individuals can choose for a specific vocational school course that they like. They can also apply for another vocational school course to learn more skills of other fields. However, one factor that most individuals would like to enroll in a certain type of vocational school course is its demand status. It means that individuals have the knowledge that they can land a job after completing a vocational school course and that the job requires more skilled workers.
  Moreover, there are also vocational school courses that would enable an individual to land in various jobs. For instance, automotive technology can be considered a broad vocational program. Individuals who study this vocational school course can learn how to repair and service an automobile. Upon finishing this vocational course, individuals can land a job in truck driving. They can also become heavy equipment operator, driver, or automotive technician.
  Ⅱ. The government speed up vocational education
  In order to further develop vocational education in China, from 2006-2011 the next 5 years, China will earmark 14 billion RMB, in the financial budget towards developing the country’s vocational education system. The money will be used to build more vocational schools and establish more scholarships throughout the country.
  At present, there are 16 thousand vocational schools in China, with millions of graduates every year. Generally speaking, they can be categorised into two types: secondary vocational schools which are on the same level as high schools in China, and advanced professional schools offering knowledge and skills at a higher level. The average employment after graduation from such schools is even higher than that of people with bachelor degrees.
  Ⅲ.The government help the students from low-income families get vocational education
  The students from poverty-stricken families. Many of them cannot afford tuition fees It’s, therefore, an urgent task for us to help them out by outlining financial aid programs. Statistics from the Ministry of Education show that out of the 16 million students who are receiving secondary vocational education, 30 percent have financial difficulties.
  The government increase financial input to vocational education and support low income earners to receive vocational education.China’s central budget will allocate four billion yuan to impoverished secondary vocational education students from 2006 to 2011.That is over the five years, 800 million yuan will be used to help around 800,000 students each year.
  Meanwhile, 800 million RMB of the funds will be used to support poor students in completing their studies at such schools. This money, together with the financial help from the local government, schools, and society will ensure 20 percent of the students studying in vocational schools with support of all kinds. This will also help such schools to recruit more new students and promote a more complete education.
  The students from low-income families could submit applications and documents to their schools proving their family economic background. Each of them will get a stipend of 1,500 yuan a year.
  Ⅳ.There are many job vacancies for vocational school students
  China is suffering an acute shortage of skilled labor as the country is becoming the world’s biggest manufacturing base. There are mang job vacancies for skilled workers, such as millers and welders.
  In some vocational schools more work experience opportunities are offered to students while they are studying. Students can not only choose the subject they are interested in, and get relevant work experience, they can also get paid by the companies and sign employment contracts after they finish the courses.
  Wei Xiaoguang is the head of Chaoyang Engineering Technical school. He says the school has developed work partnerships with six companies so far; the students are guaranteed a job even before they graduate,there’s no problem with their employment.
  Ⅴ.Vocational education is important to China’s social development
  Vocational education was a key to upgrading China’s human resources and to increase employment making it crucial to economic growth and social development, vocational education will provide companies with more choices in selecting qualified staff. The level of information technology has become a standard for measuring a country’s or region’s modernization, and an important indicator of overall national strength. Therefore, the 16th Party Congress explicitly proposed to “persist in using information technology to stimulate industrialization with information technology,” and “taking a new road to industrialization,” which will bring advanced manufacturing and modern services and the rise of information technology to transform traditional industries in full swing, is also bound to China’s vocational education,
  However, with the deepening of China’s economic reforms and industrial restructuring, vocational school has a role in the development of one’s economy. It can produce skilled workers which are needed to fill the job positions of a certain industry.
  [1]Beijing Time.2002-06-27.
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