The Research of English Teachers' Confusion and Professional Development Direction Under the Ne

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  【Abstract】At present,because of the confusion of various factors such as enrollment expansion of colleges,the increasing graduates and so on,the teachers of higher colleges will not only finish the burdensome teaching task,but also finish their own promotion and development gradually to develop students’ practical abilities and value cultural education and personality.English teachers should pay more attention to their professional development.
  【Key words】English teacher; confusion; professional development
  In the modern society,English is the“window”to know the world.At present,according to incomplete statistics,the number of our country’s college English teachers has been up to more than 100 thousands,most of whom are young teachers taking the task of all public English courses.The chief priests of ministry of higher education department,Zhang Raoxue,referring to university public English teaching reform,said the ratio of the English teachers and students in colleges and universities have reached 1:130,and even in some key universities,the teachers bear the dozens of hours teaching tasks weekly,so the pressure and challenges of college English teachers is obvious with such heavy task.
  Taking an example of Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology,English teachers face the pressure from the three aspects and the corresponding challenges to improve teaching quality and students’ learning level and standard to improve the assessment of teachers’ teaching,so the teachers need to develop the ability of communicative competence and communicative activities in organization and management ability,etc.So in the long-term teaching activities,teachers have to perform the challenges of role transformation and method innovation.But during the process of innovation,what are their confusions?
  1.lack of new educational concept and ability
  New education concept,by definition,refers to education purpose.Its emphasis should be laid from English language skills to students’ overall personality,which can be developed from the vivid and interesting English activities to cultivate students’ positive attitude and ability of access to information and the creativity.The teaching content should also be varied from pure knowledge teaching to foundational,rich and colorful contents related to our real life to develop the student’s vision making English learning more effective and funny.On teaching methods,the students are encouraged to explore,research and feedback from the isolated teaching mode.And in the ways of evaluation,the emphasis should be put on improving each student’s learning ability by identifying their advantages and disadvantages to respect students’ personality and cognitive level difference and then they can obtain the feeling of success.Education ability not only refers to the knowledge and ability,but also includes extensive knowledge in many field,such as in pedagogy,psychology,management science,literature and so on.Only by this way can English teachers follow the principle of “teaching students according to their levels”creatively using new teaching materials and organization of targeted English teaching content,effectively guiding learning to stimulate students’ learning motivation and finally achieve to cultivate students’ ability of lifelong learning.   2.lack of further development
  Many English teachers are regarded as teaching backbones in schools belonging to the type of teaching personnel,so over the years they just develop themselves tightly around the CET-4 and CET-6.What they concern is how to improve students’ passing rate.But at the same time they lose their best opportunity for further study.To their confusion,although everyone knows the existence of survival crisis,they don’t have the right way to solve them.For the new and the excellent teachers,there are few opportunities provided to train them,and later the school part introduces a large number of talents,which makes this gap is difficult to debug.So many teachers also complete on-the-job graduate students to learn on their own to get a degree.In addition,the opportunity to study abroad is much less,so the school party should consider the broad demand of this group.
  3.lack of timely teaching reflection
  For a teacher pursuing success and good at reflection,every class was a new experience.Because they can set up the different situation based on students’ different reactions and for teachers each interaction and conflict between teachers and students in teaching will stimulate their new thoughts and creativity.For educators,their practice,coming from their own cases and professional experience all devote pertinence,authenticity and situation to their career,which provides precious resources for our development.These vivid cases can promote teachers’ development; enrich their precious resources of themselves.So every teacher are supposed to write an essay every week in order to guide them to observe and reflect on their own problems and explore the causes to reach promotion together.During this process teachers must contribute particular love to find learners’ advantages just to improve the quality of education.
  4.job burnout
  The non-English major students’ English foundation is generally poor,coupled with the low learning enthusiasm,increasing the probability of teachers’ job burnout phenomenon.Facing the dilemma between exam-oriented education and classroom innovation,teachers attempt to find the compromise,but often feel confused.Due to their traditional view,job burnout inevitably appears.English teachers also have a strong sense of inferiority,worrying about their professional degradation.So the so-called unproductive teachers have to face of pressure confusion of uselessness.Job burnout not only plays an obvious role in the smooth development,but also has an important effect in the college English quality education.So teachers’ professional development is inevitable to the globalized development,and it should be put highly value.   With the rapid development of English teaching,the English teachers’ structure experiences the major change.English curriculum reform and teaching reform,at the same time,also proposed the new challenge to them.The debate of English teachers’ lifelong learning and self-improvement becomes increasingly intense,strengthening teacher’s professional development becoming the common pursuit.From English teacher’s feedback more than 90% teachers are exploring their professional development to improve their teaching level.However,the reality is heavy teaching burden makes most of the teachers lack of time and energy to further study; on the other hand,Chinese economic status and level of education development objectively don’t allow all teachers to have chance to further study.Then in this situation,how will them develop themselves?
  First,they must have consciousness of self- development and innovation consciousness under the new situation and have a lot of knowledge structure.A good teacher in students’ eyes should be smart,knowledgeable,thoughtful.In order to make students get the light of knowledge,teachers should be sucked into the light of sea.So teachers not only requires professional knowledge but also have rich education subject knowledge.
  Second,they must update teaching concept.Teaching is a kind of strong practicality and procedural work,and in an actual teaching process,all kinds of problems are constantly emerging; In the past the lectures,empathic learning and other forms of traditional training mode has been unable to meet the needs of teachers’ development.Therefore,English teachers should change the traditional concept to enhance the consciousness of self-development,cultivate a lifelong learning and research in the work and practice skills,and it is also the key to teachers’ development.
  The development of an excellent teacher is a long-term and progressive process,which can be achieved in the exploratory and repeated teaching practice.The development of an English teacher can be divided into three stages:the first two years is the survival stage,the second two years being consolidate stage,the following years being the development stage,through which teachers can be sustainable development.In this transformation,the key is to make teachers become conscious about their self-improvement.
  In conclusion,the most important is having a group of excellent teachers except good education condition in a good school.Young teachers are the core force.The growth of a good teacher is mainly in the young stage of exercise and training,so strengthening the guidance of young teachers is necessary.During their preparation and taking lesions,different requirements should be constantly put forward to continuously improve the level of young teachers’ work experience and professional teaching.Meanwhile,our college should increase the intensity of reward to cultivate teacher’s professional spirit and enhance their personal enrichment and value of life.Only by this way can teachers develop their innovative spirit,including teaching concept,teaching methods,teaching means,teaching content,and so on to coordinate complementary innovation,including teachers’ innovative quality.
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