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为研究内部加劲环和外部子午向加劲肋对特大型冷却塔静风响应的影响规律,以国内在建某电厂四塔组合超规范高度限值的220m特大型冷却塔为例,针对光滑塔、加肋塔、加环塔和加肋加环塔四种塔型设计方案,进行刚体测压模型风洞试验,获得该特大型冷却塔表面风压分布模式和塔群系数,并采用有限元方法对比分析了四种冷却塔模型动力特性和风致响应特征。在此基础上,提炼出加劲环和子午肋的设置对特大型冷却塔静风响应的影响规律。研究表明:加劲环的套箍作用能提高冷却塔整体结构刚度和基频,并显著减小了环基内力;子午肋通过减小塔筒负压极值明显减小了塔筒、支柱和环基的内力,同时也略微降低冷却塔的整体结构基频;同步加肋加环冷却塔整体刚度较优且受力性能更好。 In order to study the influence law of internal stiffening ring and external radial rib on the static wind response of extra large cooling tower, taking the 220m super large cooling tower in the ultra-normative height limit of four towers in a power plant under construction in China as an example, Four-tower design scheme of the tower, the towering tower, the towering tower and the ribbed tower and the towering tower. The rigid-body piezometric model wind tunnel test was carried out to obtain the surface wind pressure distribution pattern and tower group coefficient of the extra-large cooling tower. The finite element method The dynamic characteristics and wind-induced response characteristics of four cooling tower models are compared and analyzed. On this basis, the influence of the setting of stiffener ring and radial rib on the static wind response of extra-large cooling tower is deduced. The results show that the hoop function of the stiffener ring can improve the stiffness and fundamental frequency of the cooling tower and significantly reduce the internal force of the ring foundation. The meridian rib significantly reduces the tower negative pressure, the column height and the ring Based on the internal force, but also slightly reduce the cooling tower’s overall structure of the fundamental frequency; synchronous rib plus cooling tower overall stiffness better and better performance.
我们应鼓励儿童的主动精神,帮助儿童进行创造性的工作,领导他们、引导他们的兴趣。──[苏]克鲁普斯卡娅 We should encourage children’s initiative, help children to car
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