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在中国人民解放军建军80周年之际,中国曲艺家协会和中国海洋石油总公司联合组织的“送欢笑”慰问小分队来到湛江、走进南海舰队,为守卫祖国蓝色国土的将士们送去了欢歌笑语和节日的祝福。椰风海韵迎亲人笑语欢歌庆八一椰风树影、阳光军港,八月的湛江美丽宜人。8月1日上午,小分队兵分两路,深入到基层官兵和一线石油工人中间,近距离为他们演出。由中国曲协主席刘兰芳、分党组副书记黄启钧带领的小分队从军港码头出发,乘坐运输舰登上了南海舰队“吉首号”护卫舰,为舰艇备勤官兵送去了节日的问候。刚刚换上新式军装的海军战士们在甲板上整齐列队,热情欢迎艺术家们的到来。在中午耀眼的阳光和蓝天白云的映衬下,崭新的白色水军服异常夺目。 On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the Complaint Team of “Delivering Laughter” jointly organized by the Chinese Artists Association and CNOOC came to Zhanjiang and entered the South China Sea Fleet to serve as a guardian of the blue land of the motherland They sent a song and laughter and holiday wishes. Coconut wind and sea rhyme to welcome their loved ones laughing song Bayi coconut tree shadow, Sunshine Army Port, Zhanjiang in August beautiful and pleasant. On the morning of August 1, the detachments split into two roads, penetrating into the middle of the grass-roots officers and soldiers and front-line oil workers and performing for them at close range. Led by the chairman of China Quqian Liu Lanfang and deputy party secretary Huang Qijun, the detachment set sail from the wharf wharf and took the transport ship to board the South China Sea Fleet “Jisheng” frigate. It sent greetings to the officers and soldiers of the warships. The navy warriors who just put on the new military uniforms are neatly lined up on the deck and warmly welcome the arrival of the artists. Against the backdrop of dazzling sunshine and blue sky and white clouds at noon, the brand new white navy uniform is exceptionally eye-catching.
Grinding hardening is a new technology of hardening steel piece surfaces with grinding heat generated in the grinding process instead of with a high or medium f
我国加入 WTO 后,国外巨额资金迅速进入中国轿车市场,参入和控制汽车流通领域的竞争,汽车销售领域的竞争将更具激烈性和对抗性。而销售渠道作为企业最重要的资源之一,其不稳
2002年1月9日下午5时50分,福建省泉州市津淮街上人潮涌动,刚下班的人们纷纷涌向菜市场,正在买菜的涂女士忽然听到“咚,咚——”两声巨响 ,整个津淮街在抖动,她冲出去一看,只见对面的
亭前杨柳,送尽到处游人;  山下蘼芜,知是何时归路。  偶然读到《小窗幽记》中的这两句话,于是在记忆里翻寻旅途中的“杨柳”“蘼芜”。可我并没有背井离乡的经历,旅行也都带着浓烈热情的色彩,自然就体味不到那样凄哀的思念。然而我却想起了那些伴随着我走过近十载的行囊。  七八岁时,一家决定去西溪湿地玩。于是前一天晚上,我往兔子背包中塞了一大包零食、面包。最后我犹豫了一下,又放了一本儿童读物。妈妈这时走过来