
来源 :中国外语教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:greenecho
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经过40年的建设与发展,外语学科进入了重新出发、以我为主、创新驱动、自觉构建学术话语体系的新阶段。这既是适应全球化新态势的需要,也是中国从大国向强国转变的必然要求。自觉构建外语学科学术话语体系要从理顺学科内外关系入手,通过梳理和回答重大理论与现实问题,着力提出较系统的新思想和新表述。只有站在中国立场研究世界学术问题,主动服务国家需要和社会需求,优化和完善评价体系,发挥学术共同体的自觉性和积极性,才能创新构建具有中国风格的外语学科体系、学术体系和话语体系。 After 40 years of construction and development, the foreign language discipline has entered a new stage of re-starting, taking me as the mainstay, innovation-driven, and consciously constructing the academic discourse system. This is both a need to adapt to the new trend of globalization and an inevitable requirement for China to change from a big power to a powerful one. Constructing the academic discourse system of foreign language discipline consciously starts with rationalization of the internal and external relations of the subject and puts forward systematically new ideas and new expressions by combing and answering major theoretical and practical questions. Only by standing in China’s position to study the academic problems in the world, actively serving the needs of the country and society, optimizing and perfecting the evaluation system, and giving play to the consciousness and enthusiasm of the academic community can we innovate to construct a Chinese-style foreign language disciplinary system, academic system and discourse system.
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