
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gmtt123
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Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare-in patients with persistent and permanent atrial fibrillation(AF)-the efficacy and safety of left atrial ablation with that of a biatrial approach. Background: Left atrium-based catheter ablation of AF, although very effective in the paroxysmal form of the arrhythmia, has an insufficient efficacy in patients with persistent and permanent AF. Methods: Eighty highly symptomatic patients(age, 58.6±8.9 years) with persistent(n=43) and permanent AF(n=37), refractory to antiarrhythmic drugs, were randomized to two different ablation approaches guided by electroanatomical mapping. A procedure including circumferential pulmonary vein, mitral isthmus, and cavotricuspid isthmus ablation was performed in 41 cases(left atrial ablation group). In the remaining 39 patients(biatrial ablation group), the aforementioned approach was integrated by the following lesions in the right atrium: intercaval posterior line, intercaval septal line, and electrical disconnection of the superior vena cava. Results: During follow-up(mean duration 14±5 months), AF recurred in 39%of patients in the left atrial ablation group and in 15%of patients in the biatrial ablation group(p=0.022). Multivariable Cox regression analysis showed that ablation technique was an independent predictor of AF recurrence during follow-up. Conclusions: In patients with persistent and permanent AF, circumferential pulmonary vein ablation, combined with linear lesions in the right atrium, is feasible, safe, and has a significantly higher success rate than left atrial and cavotricuspid ablation alone. Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare-in patients with persistent and permanent atrial fibrillation (AF) -the efficacy and safety of left atrial ablation with that of a biatrial approach. Background: Left atrium-based catheter ablation of AF, very effective in the paroxysmal form of the arrhythmia, has an insufficient efficacy in patients with persistent and permanent AF. Methods: Eighty highly symptomatic patients (age, 58.6 ± 8.9 years) with persistent (n = 43) and permanent AF ), refractory to antiarrhythmic drugs, were randomized to two different ablation approaches guided by electroanatomical mapping. A procedure including circumferential pulmonary vein, mitral isthmus, and cavotricuspid isthmus ablation was performed in 41 cases (left atrial ablation group). In the remaining 39 patients the biatrial ablation group was integrated by the following lesions in the right atrium: intercaval posterior line, intercaval septal line, and electrical Results: During follow-up (mean duration 14 ± 5 ​​months), AF recurred in 39% of patients in the left atrial ablation group and in 15% of patients in the biatrial ablation group (p = 0.022 Multivariable Cox regression analysis showed that ablation technique was an independent predictor of AF recurrence during follow-up. Conclusions: In patients with persistent and permanent AF, circumferential pulmonary vein ablation, combined with linear lesions in the right atrium, is feasible, safe , and has a significantly higher success rate than left atrial and cavotricuspid ablation alone.
荷兰学者van den Bosch等应用实时三维超声心动图(RT-3DE)对房间隔缺损患者进行缺损形态的定量评估,旨在为手术医师提供更加量化的形态学指标。45例房间隔缺损患者被纳入研究
叶圣陶老先生曾说过:“预习原则很通行,但要收到实效,方法必须切实。”预习,是一种良好的学习习惯,是教学的重要环节。根据小学英语课程的特殊性,教师只有根据学生的知识结构和身心发展规律,巧妙引导学生进行预习,并根据英语教学的目标,通过多种检验方法,实现课内外相结合,才能让课前预习成为课堂教学的有益铺垫,不断提高小学英语教学的效果。  一、巧设预习  预习,就是在课堂学习之前独立学习课文内容,为课堂学习
Objective: To describe the association between calcific retinal embolism(CRE) and cardiac valve stenosis. Design and setting: Retrospective chart review of pati
本文利用部分逆算子理论,及线性边值问题的Green函数方法,结合上下解方法讨论了形如 x″=f(t,x,Tx) u
【摘要】 新时代的国家与民族竞争力逐渐体现在人才和科技的竞争上,创新则成为未来的核心竞争力。为了时代的需求和学生的发展,高中阶段必须重视学生综合素质与能力的培养,本文从高中英语教学实践出发,旨在打破传统的教学方式,探索英语教学的创新模式。  【关键词】 高中英语 教学创新 探究与实践  【中图分类号】 G424 【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】 1006-5962(2012)11(a)-0083