“应用型外语教学研究”专题 主持人语

来源 :北京城市学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xpzcz1994
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近十几年来,随着国内一大批新建本科院校的建立和地方本科院校的转型,无论是外语类专业,还是公共外语教学,都面临着重新思考人才培养定位和人才培养模式的问题。新形势下,面临“新国标”的颁发,应用型外语教学研究迎来新的历史机遇和挑战,从这个角度上讲,“应用型外语教学研究”栏目的开设,可谓是“应运而生,恰逢其时”。我们热忱欢迎外语界的专 In recent ten years, with the establishment of a large number of new domestic undergraduate colleges and the transformation of local undergraduate colleges, both foreign language majors and public foreign language teaching are faced with the problems of re-thinking the orientation of personnel training and personnel training mode. Under the new situation, in the face of the issue of “new national standard”, applied foreign language teaching and learning has ushered in new historical opportunities and challenges. From this perspective, the opening of the column “Applied Foreign Language Teaching and Research” can be described as “It came into being, at the right time.” We warmly welcome foreign language professionals
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