
来源 :拉丁美洲研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:x1026221496
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试析美洲自由贸易区能否如期建成石瑞元自美国与加拿大于1988年1月2日签署自由贸易协定以来,美洲自由贸易区在形成过程中获得了重要进展,其机制框架似乎已基本形成。但墨西哥1994年12月爆发的金融危机及其对拉美国家的冲击,智利加入北美自由贸易区协定的议... An Analysis on Whether American Free Trade Area Can Be Completed As Scheduled Since the signing of the free trade agreement between the United States and Canada on January 2, 1988, the Free Trade Area of ​​the Americas has made important progress in its formation. The mechanism framework seems to have basically taken shape. However, the financial crisis erupted in Mexico in December 1994 and its impact on Latin American countries, Chile’s accession to the North American Free Trade Area agreement ...
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Pseudo-spark switch(PSS) is one of the most widely used discharge switches for pulse power technology.It has many special characteristics such as reliability in
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综合介绍了地震科学的几个发展趋势 ,包括 :从板块理论向板块边界带研究的过渡 ,从深部结构研究向浅层地壳结构研究过渡 ,从观测向模拟研究过渡 ,从地震危险性向地震危害性研