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2005年平凉市粮食总产为8.75亿公斤,较2005年增产3.3%,为历史上最高年,其中夏粮较上年增产3.3%,秋粮增产5.6%。2004年冬麦播前我市降水特多,农田底墒好,冬麦播种质量高,冬前冬麦生长状况良好,一、二类苗的比例近90.0%;冬季全市降水量正常或偏多,多数地方气温偏高,冬麦安全越冬,返青后苗情较好。2005年3月份至5月上旬,全市降水持续偏少,4月份多数地方月降水量较常年偏少6成,其中崇信达到历史极少值。尤其是4月下旬至5月上旬在长达20多天的时段内,多数县(区)无有效降水,春季第一场透雨明显偏迟,而4月份至5月上旬多数地方气温特高,土壤失墒明显。冬小麦穗粒的形成,冬油菜的开花结荚,大秋作物和蔬菜的播种出苗均受到春旱影响。5月中旬出现了今年入春已来的第一场好雨,其中15~16日除静宁外均出现了中雨,这次降 The total grain output in Pingliang in 2005 was 875 million kilograms, an increase of 3.3% over 2005, the highest in history, with summer grain yield up 3.3% over the previous year and autumn grain yield up 5.6%. 2004 winter wheat before sowing more than the city precipitation, soil moisture at the end of good, high winter wheat sowing quality, good winter wheat growth, a class II seedlings nearly 90.0%; winter precipitation in the city normal or partial Mostly, in most places, the temperature is too high, and the winter wheat is safe and overwintering. After returning to green, the seedling conditions are better. From March 2005 to early May, precipitation in the city continued to be on the low side. In April, the monthly precipitation in most places was 60% less than that in normal years, of which Chongxin reached very few historical records. Especially in late April to early May, during most of the 20-day period, most counties (districts) did not have effective rainfall. The first rainstorm in spring was obviously delayed. In April-early May, most places experienced extremely high temperatures, Soil moisture loss obvious. The formation of spikelets of winter wheat, the flowering and podding of winter rapeseed, the seedling emergence of big autumn crops and vegetables were affected by spring drought. In mid-May there was the first good rain that had come into the spring this year. Among them, the moderate rain appeared outside the Jing-Ning period from the 15th to the 16th.
形象化、个性化的语言已成为衡量学生作文水平高下的重要尺度。让学生的语言多一些魅力,为文章添几分文采,就显得格外重要。如何使学生形成自己个性化的语言,让语言更具魅力,使文章更有吸引力呢?笔者以为可从以下几个方面着手指导:  一.巧用修辞,增添语言的情趣美  亚里士多德说:“比喻是天才的标志。”不仅是比喻,善于运用修辞的人,都可以说是富有才情的表现。任何一篇文章都离不开修辞,任何一个作家都要借助修辞这
恣肆神思舞,汤汤众望早。精深成至论,博大有宏困。承继汇千古,创新启万书。文星魂在云?欣看志思殊。读《董一博方志论文集》@张景孔 Unrestrained spirit of dance, soup so
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为什么说技术创新是企业发展的生命线?化蛹成蝶,是一个漫长的过程,有着欣喜也有着磨难,需要捕捉机遇,需要营造环境,正所谓“天下之事,待机而动,伺时而发,万事而无不成”。 W