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新一轮课程改革为语文课堂教学注入了全新的活力。自主、合作、探究的学习,开放而有活力的语文课堂是广大语文教师在课改理念引导下的新追求。现实状况是语文课堂教学效率不高,像一个顽疾一样它仍然困扰着我们。片面追求升学率和应试教育的流弊,加之语文课堂教学“穿新鞋,走老路”的现象普遍存在。可以说目前语文课堂教学较为普遍地、程度不同地再次陷入了“教师累,学生苦,负担重,效率低下”的困境。笔者近段时间听了几节的语文课改课,引起了不少反思,下面仅就教师的教学思想、教学方法和学生的思维能力等方面在语文课堂教学中的呈现,为之诊脉与剖析。 A new round of curriculum reform has injected new vitality into Chinese classroom teaching. Autonomous, cooperative, exploratory learning, open and dynamic Chinese class is the new pursuit of the majority of Chinese teachers under the guidance of curriculum reform. The reality is that language classroom teaching is not efficient and, like a chronic illness, it still bothers us. One-sided pursuit of education and exam-oriented education abuses, combined with the language classroom teaching “wear new shoes, take the old road,” the phenomenon of widespread. Can be said that the current language teaching more generally, to a different extent, once again fell into the “teacher tired, the students bitter, burdensome, inefficient ” predicament. I recently listened to a few sections of the Chinese class, aroused a lot of reflection, the following only on the teacher’s teaching ideas, teaching methods and students’ thinking skills in the language classroom teaching presented for the diagnosis and analysis .
在浏阳市东北部,有一个群山环抱、风景秀丽的森林公园——大围山国家森林公园。在高山耸立的大围山峡谷,有一条晶莹剔透的小河——花门河, In the northeast of Liuyang Cit
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中国教育学会小学科学教育专业委员会2007年年会于8月1~3日在新疆乌鲁木齐市召开。 The 2007 Annual Meeting of the Primary Education Science Committee of China Educati
如果说儒家的先天不足造成其在公共领域的误用、滥用,在企业管理这个私人领域, 儒家却有可能发挥其潜力,成为中国企业家可以选择的价值钢筋系统之一。 If Confucianism’s i