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九年制义务教育内地版初中地理教科书,在内容选择、体系结构、编写风格以及文、图、练习的表现形式等方面,都对传统教材有所改革。 (一)激发学习动机的引言这套教科书的每章前都设有一段配有题头画的引言,这是属于课文的有机组成部分,以小字形式呈现。引言的表达方式灵活多样,主要包括富有地理情趣的诗词、歌曲和谜语;引人入胜的小故事;促人深思的设问以及名人名篇片断等。引言的作用在于激发学生学习地理的欲望和兴趣,使学生更好地明确学习地理的意义和本章主要问题的来龙去脉。引言的利用,可以灵活,不必划一,既可以作为教师引入新课的导言,也可以让学生朗读、自读,吸引学生注意,为顺利展开新课学习创设热烈而积极的气氛。 The nine-year compulsory education geography textbook for junior high schools in the Mainland has reformed traditional textbooks in terms of content selection, system structure, writing style, and forms of expressions, drawings, and exercises. (I) Introduction to Inspire Study Motivation Each chapter of this set of textbooks is preceded by an introduction with a caption. This is an organic part of the text and is presented in small print. The expressions of the introduction are flexible and varied, including poetic, song and riddles full of geography, fascinating stories, thought-provoking questions, and famous celebrity pieces. The role of the introduction is to inspire students to learn geography desires and interests, so that students better understand the significance of learning geography and the context of the main issues of this chapter. The use of the introduction can be flexible and does not have to be uniform. It can be used as an introduction for teachers to introduce new classes, as well as for students to read and read themselves, attract students’ attention, and create a warm and positive atmosphere for the smooth commencement of new classes.
我段管内 3 0几个车站都采用 SXD型单相电源屏 ,当停电后再来电时 ,经常发生 、 路引入电源熔断器同时被熔断的情况 ,严重威胁运输安全。经分析发现是由于电力部门检修后 ,
介绍了提高铁路通信设备供电系统质量的措施及其效果。 The measures to improve the quality of power supply system of railway communication equipment and its effect
对 S- 1 2交换机 ,用现在的维护手段观察用户线的状态不够迅速、直观、方便 ,特别是处理用户申告障碍时 ,不能实现动态观察 ,而且 ,机房一般有4~ 5台电话 ,如果查找分别是哪些
本文描记采于云南省曲靖地区云南鳅属鱼类2新种:北盘江云南鳅Yunnanilusbeipanjiangensissp.nov.和南盘江云南鳅Yunnanilusnanpanjiangensissp.nov. This paper records collected in Yunnan Qujing area genus genus Yunnan genus 2 new species:
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