Tetrandrine and related bis-benzylisoquinoline alkaloids from medicinal herbs: cardiovascular effect

来源 :Acta Pharmacologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liwenwu042
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Tetrandrine (TET), a bis-benzylisoquinoline alkaloid purified and identified an active ingredient in a Chinese medicinal herb, Radix Stephanae tetrandrae, has been used traditionally for the treatment of congestive circulatory disorder and inflammatory diseases. TET, together with a few of its structural analogues, has long been demon-strated to have antihypertensive action in clinical as well as animal studies. Presumably, the primary anti-hyperten-sive action of TET is due to its vasodilatory properties. TET prevents or inhibits vascular contraction induced by membrane depolarization with KC1 or α-adrenoceptor activation with phenylephrine (PE). TET (30 μmol/L) also inhibits the release of endothelium-derived nitric oxide (NO) as well as NO production by inducible NO synthase. TET apparently inhibits multiple Ca2+ entry pathways as demonstrated in cell types lacking the L-type Ca2+ channels. In cardiac muscle cells, TET inhibits both L- and T-type Ca2+ channels. In addition to its actions on cardiov Tetrandrine (TET), a bis-benzylisoquinoline alkaloid purified and identified an active ingredient in a Chinese medicinal herb, Radix Stephanae tetrandrae, has been used traditionally for the treatment of congestive circulatory disorder and inflammatory diseases. TET, together with a few of its Analogues, has long been demon-strated to have antihypertensive action in clinical as well animal studies. Presumably, the primary anti-hyperten-sive action of TET is due to its vasodilatory properties. TET prevented or inhibits vascular contraction induced by membrane depolarization with KC1 or α-adrenoceptor activation with phenylephrine (PE). TET (30 μmol/L) also inhibits the release of endothelium-derived nitric oxide (NO) as well as NO production by inducible NO synthase. TET apparently inhibits multiple Ca2+ entry pathways as Demonstrated in cell types lacking the L-type Ca2+ channels. In cardiac muscle cells, TET inhibits both L- and T-type Ca2+ channels. In addition to its Actions on cardiov
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为探讨 pH 依赖型梯度释药麝香保心微丸在正常人体内的转运和崩解情况,采用γ-闪烁显像示踪法对6名健康志愿者服用核素标记的微丸进行体内示踪观察。结果表明,HPMC 包衣微丸