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  3D printing is essentially exactly what it sounds like, producing a 3D object by printing it layer by layer, and it’s now 1)catching on with those who need to create 3D models quickly and cheaply: designers who need to test the look and feel of their 2)prototypes and concept devices in the real world, artists wanting to bring 3)outrageous designs to life, and architects who need to create precision scale models of their building plans. There’s even talk that, in the future, buildings themselves will be printed section by section. And recently the technology has become cheap enough to go mainstream. You can design your own models on line, and then get them printed, packaged and posted straight to you. It’s even possible to print in colour.
  The process starts with a scanner. Here it is. What you have are two lenses at the top, which are taking tens of photos every second, and down the bottom you have a 4)projector, which is projecting a 5)grid onto the subject—so I’ll show you what it looks like on the screen—and the grid is collecting 6)geometric data, so 3D data about the subject that’s being scanned.
  All that data is then fed into this piece of software, which essentially 7)stitches all of those photos together. It uses the geometric data to form the 3D model of my head. Now it does need the human touch, hence Jake is here. He’s going to tidy up all the extra bits of noise, the random dots that have crept into the scan and also fill in a hole in my face, which we found. Once he’s done that, he adds the texture and the colour back onto the head, presses “go” and it sends all that information to the print station.
  Now, at this point, you have a choice of three different types of 3D printer. This one is using a kind of powder substance. If you look in there, you can see the powder and you can also see what looks like an ink-jet printer head. That is because that’s exactly what it is. It’s using a normal ink-jet printer head to pump coloured glue into the powder, but only where it needs to set that particular cross-section. Then once that layer’s done, the whole bed of powder drops down, more powder’s added and then just a bit for the next cross-section is pumped in and set. This is the kind of thing that this powder 3D printer will produce.
  Now next up, round here, we’ve got something that looks a little bit more like a microwave oven, and that’s because, essentially, it does get very hot in there. This is a 3D printer that’s using 8)resin, and you can see inside, again, it’s building up the head layer by layer. And this is the kind of thing that this printer will produce. This is some kind of stadium or other, and this kind of printing is useful for producing injection molded stuff and also “snap fix” kits; things that you’ll put together afterwards. You’ll pop the different parts out and glue them together yourself.
  Now this is possibly the weirdest printer in my mind, because it’s actually using paper. It’s got a big ream of A4 white paper there, and what it does is load the paper, sheet by sheet, onto this bed, glue it to the previous sheet of paper, and then a fine blade cuts out just the top layer into the shape of the cross-section you need, then the whole bed lowers down and more paper is added. And you can get some really 9)bizarre creations, like this one, which is made of paper, but there is no other way of coming up with something like this if you’re just making it out of paper.
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