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  Marcus: So, Steph gave me a brief insight into your situation and thought we could ease some of the stress you are facing with all of your company’s changes.
  Donald: Yeah, ①I’m really hoping you can bail me out. At first, I thought I could handle it, but ②I’m quickly realizing that I’m in over my head. I need some structure
  and guidance.
  Marcus: That’s where we come in. ③First, let me give you a step-by-step as to the way Image Consulting operates. We 1)cater our services to suit just about any business situation. The majority of our work involves 2)overhauling whole companies, but in your case we would just be dealing with one department and assisting mainly with 3)R & D strategies, from what you have just told me.
  Donald: What is this “Go, Stay, Modify” thing I read about on your website?
  Marcus: Right. This is our own custom 4)methodology, which we have made really simple. Following an initial review of your department, we will immediately employ our “Go, Stay, Modify” system by deciding what aspects are not working—whether they are staff, computers, policies—and making them “go”. ④In other words, 5)eliminate them from your department altogether. Things that are working well will “stay” and then we ascertain what we can “modify” to best benefit you.
  Donald: So you have professionals who are trained in all different areas?
  Marcus: That’s right. It’s our business to examine what you do from every angle and maximize potential and improve performance.
  Donald: Fantastic. Let’s make some time for you to come in to the office.
  Smart Sentences
  ① I’m really hoping you can bail me out. 我真希望你们能帮我这个忙。
  bail sb. out: help sb. out of a difficult situation(帮助某人摆脱困境)。例如:
  My brother has always been the one to bail me out whenever I’m in trouble.
  ② I’m quickly realizing that I’m in over my head. 很快我就意识到我还是承担不起。
  in over sb.’s head: a situation is too busy or difficult for sb. to handle(太忙/难,无法承受)。例如:
  I’ve been in over my head all week.
  ③ First, let me give you a step-by-step as to the way Image Consulting operates. 首先,我给你讲讲“形象咨询”的具体操作步骤。
  step-by-step: a procedural guideline to do sth.(具体步骤的说明)。例如:
  Everyone will get a step-by-step for using the new system.
  ④In other words, eliminate them from your department altogether. 换句话说,将它们一并从部门中除去。
  in other words: used to introduce a different explanation for sth. that has just been said(换句话说)。例如:
  His wife is my daughter, in other words, I am his mother-in-law.
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