Part 1 Old School Soap Operas

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  Ian: Hey Leslie. What’s that you’re watching? And why is everyone acting as if the sky is falling?
  Leslie: ①It’s an old school Korean soap opera. And the overacting is a big part of the 1)comedic value. I think it’s because the subject matter is so dramatic, that it needs those bursts of nonsense to 2)offset the seriousness of it all.
  Ian: Well, are they anything like American soaps? You know the deal—3)scantily clad young models just getting their start in show business, badly acting their way through plotlines featuring missing identical twins and mysterious poisonings.
  Leslie: ②I suppose there are one or two similarities, though you take the cake when it comes to having a 4)cynical outlook on things.
  Ian: Don’t tell me that you actually get into those types of shows!
  Leslie: Which ones, Korean soaps or American ones?
  Ian: Either or.
  Leslie: I obviously don’t like every soap opera ever made, but for the most part I do enjoy the genre. And each series does seem to have its own unique appeal.
  Ian: Silly me! ③I was under the impression that only housewives and old grannies watched soaps anymore.
  Leslie: No, but I would definitely consider myself silly for watching sometimes. Especially, as you said, with such clichéd storylines.
  Ian: What’re Korean soaps generally about?
  Leslie: They usually star two handsome men, one rich and one slightly less rich, fighting over a confused young girl. They also have an unrealistic amount of traffic accidents and incurable diseases. Ian: How about sudden 5)amnesia? ④That’s always a go-to twist for soap writers.
  Leslie: Yeah. ⑤Throw a little amnesia in the mix and everyone loses their minds a bit. It’s just a question what, or who, will trigger the return of the victim’s memories.
  Ian: Hehe…But really, come on…Korean soaps? I mean, how popular can they really be?
  Leslie: You want the long story or the short one?
  Ian: The short one, please. I beg of you…
  Leslie: Long story it is!
  Ian: That’s not what I—
  Leslie: So, back before Y2K, the South Korean government said at least 80% of their TV programs had to be domestically produced.
  Ian: OK…
  Leslie: And they also fixed the minimum number of domestic TV series to be broadcast in the country. Ian: So what?
  Leslie: ⑥So, it helped South Korean TV productions take hold of the domestic market, while also laying the foundation for success in overseas markets.   Ian: With all due respect, this may be the most boring conversation we have ever engaged in.
  Leslie: I’m sorry, who are you again? I was recently in a car accident and I’ve forgotten everyone and everything I’ve ever known. ⑦If only someone could jar my memories back to the forefront of my consciousness.
  Ian: Ummmm…I’m really starting to worry about you Leslie…
  Leslie: Well then tune in next week to see if I really am craaaaaazy!
  Ian: No need to tune in. I already know…
  Smart Sentences
  ① It’s an old school Korean soap opera.那是一部老式的韩国肥皂剧。
  old school: a group favoring traditional ideas or practices(守旧派,老派)。例如:
  She was an old school teacher who believed in strict discipline.
  ② I suppose there are one or two similarities, though you take the cake when it comes to having a cynical outlook on things.我估计有一两个相似点吧,尽管谈到对事物愤世嫉俗的观点,你是最擅长的。
  take the cake: win the prize; be outstanding(得奖,成为最佳者,杰出的)。例如:
  I knew my dad’s speech took the cake when he got a standing ovation.
  ③ I was under the impression that only housewives and old grannies watched soaps anymore. 我误以为只有家庭主妇或老奶奶才看连续剧。
  under the impression: believing sth., usually when it is not the case(觉得,误认为)。例如:
  I was under the impression that my brother would visit on the weekend.
  ④ That’s always a go-to twist for soap writers. 那一直是剧作家的关键手法。
  go-to: being sth. / sb. that can be relied on to bring success or satisfaction(可靠的)。例如:
  Whenever I need to entertain guests at my house, I always turn to my go-to recipe for cheesecake.
  ⑤ Throw a little amnesia in the mix and everyone loses their minds a bit. 混杂一点失忆在剧情里,让每个人都失去了理智。
  in the mix: in the combination of a group of things(混合物)。例如:
  Guangzhou is an international metropolis, with people from all over the world in the mix.
  ⑥ So, it helped South Korean TV productions take hold of the domestic market, while also laying the foundation for success in overseas markets. 那样有助于韩国影视作品抢占国内市场,也为海外市场的成功奠定基础。
  take hold of sth.: gain control of sth., usually with some difficulty(获得某物,通常指不太容易获得)。例如:
  It’s hard for megastores like Wal-Mart to take hold of the market in the countryside.
  ⑦ If only someone could jar my memories back to the forefront of my consciousness.如果有人能唤起我的记忆,让它回到我的前沿意识就好了。
  jar sb.’s memory back: stimulate sb.’s memory to recall sth.(激起某人的记忆)。例如:
  The black and white picture of Gerry, Gary and me jarred my memories back to those happy high school days.

Tom: Hey Nicole, check this out! James Franco just posted the coolest selfie from the top of Mount Kilimanjaro.  Nicole: He really is the coolest, isn’t he?  Tom: And he’s funny too!  Nicole: Yeah. ①W
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摘要:笔者通过自建小型语料库,利用语料库常用检索软件WordSmith和词频统计软件WordFrequency Text Profiler来考察《我的童年》两英译文的风格特征。结果表明《我的童年》两英译文风格在用词变化和句子的复杂程度上存在显著差异,在用词难度和最常用词的使用上有很大的相似性。  关键词:语料库;《我的童年》;英译文;风格  [中图分类号]H315.9  [文献标识码]A  [文章
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