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举办讲座是指导教学的一种重要形式,是教研员经常要做的工作。它的重要作用在于沟通信息,点拨疑难,引导争论,推动教研教改的发展。讲座要求内容新颖生动,表达清楚明了,理论结合实际,教师可触摸。讲座不能搞“海市蜃楼”,空谈阔沦,也不能“市场意识”,就事论事。下面就三个方面的作用来谈教研员如何举办讲座。 1.沟通信息。当今世界处于信息时代,科技信息瞬息万变,教学改革日新月异。广大教师囿于自身职业环境,不大可能频繁地亲身猎取教改新信息,这就需要处于二线的教研员给教师们博取信息、传递信息。教研员的信息来源有外地的,也有本地的;有外出参观学习的,也有来自报刊上的。纷纷扰扰,繁复重叠。这就要精选细筛。讲座内容有一条:要在调查的基础上,根据本地学校教学实际,传递有指导意义的信息。譬如,小 Lectures are an important form of instructional instruction and are often done by teachers and researchers. Its important role is to communicate information, make difficult problems, guide debates, and promote the development of teaching, research and education reform. The content of the lecture is novel and vivid, and the expression is clear. The theory is combined with reality and the teacher can touch it. Lectures should not engage in “mirages in the mirage” and be empty talks, nor can they “market consciousness” and talk about things. Here are three aspects of the role of the teaching staff to discuss how to hold a lecture. 1. Communication information. Today’s world is in the information age, scientific and technological information is changing rapidly, and teaching reform is changing with each passing day. The majority of teachers are constrained by their own occupational environment, and it is unlikely that they will frequently hunter for new information on education reform. This requires second-tier teachers and researchers to give teachers information and information. The sources of information for the teaching and research staff are foreign and local; there are those who go out to study and study, but also from the press. Have harassed one after another, complicated overlapping. This will select fine sieves. The content of the lecture is one: On the basis of the investigation, according to the actual teaching of the local school, there is instructive information. For example, small
一、课题的提出 学习困难儿童指的是除了残疾儿童之外,学习过程中存在一种或多种困难,且学业成绩明显低于一般教学要求的学龄儿童。教学干预是从课堂教学角度出发,采取一定的
断提高中小学的管理水平、提高教育质量的重要措施。同时也是教育主管部门对中小学校长实施有效管理的一项基本内容和基本任务。 通过几年来校长培训工作的实践,我们感到中
为观察肾病综合征患者的血脂变化,以指导临床治疗,我们对40例肾病综合征患者的总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)、载脂蛋白A1(ApoA1)、B100(ApoB100)进行了检测,现报告如 In
总有人抱怨,现在这世道,怎么好学生都成了雇员,差学生都成了老板!接着大家分析,多数好学生成绩好,路子顺,大部分进了公务员、教师、事业单位梯队。可是差学生 Some people a