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本文以我国现代景观设计为例,探讨景观设计史与环境艺术史的基本概念,并从在现代景观设计的角度去分析景观设计史与环境艺术设计史两者之间的区别与联系。近年来,随着我国经济建设的不断发展,人们对于居住环境的景观的设计要求也是日渐多样化,因此,在设计中结合景观与环境,是我国现代景观设计更好地发展的重要途径。景观设计史及环境艺术设计史两者的研究在一定程度上须以我国现代景观设计史的研究为背景,既要看到它们之间的区别又要注重它们之间的联系,同时也可以参考我国园林设计的发展史,使得研究方法更具有科学性,也使得研究视角更为广阔。 Taking the modern landscape design in our country as an example, this paper discusses the basic concepts of landscape design history and environmental art history, and analyzes the differences and relations between landscape design history and environmental art design history from the perspective of modern landscape design. In recent years, with the continuous development of economic construction in our country, the design requirements for the landscape of living environment are also increasingly diversified. Therefore, integrating the landscape and the environment in the design is an important way for the development of modern landscape design in our country. To some extent, the researches on landscape design history and environmental art design history must be based on the study of the history of modern landscape design in our country, we should not only see the difference between them but also pay attention to the connection between them and also can refer to The development history of garden design in our country makes the research method more scientific and makes the research perspective more extensive.
“假设”作为一种特殊的思维形式在数学教学中广泛运用,能否将此运用于阅读教学呢?本文试就其在阅读教学中的美育效应谈点粗浅之见。 “Hypothesis” as a special form of
在推行素质教育的今天 ,中学思想政治课显得非常重要 ,它肩负着思想素质和智力素质提高的双重任务 ,所以思想政治课教师必须提高认识 ,跨过误区 ,勤于探索 ,开辟新的天地。
富锦,是一座边陲小城,土地面积 8229平方公里。这里景色优美,生活富庶。  富锦市委、市政府的领导们把邓小平“发展才是硬道理”当成努力的方向。面对 21世纪知识经济的崛起和